Stranger Danger

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Chapter 16 Chloe's pov-

Louis didn't come in my room last night because Liam wont let him since I'm grounded so him and the other boys didn't get to see my hair. I walked down to the kitchen to see Zayn sitting there eating. "Hey Zayniepoo" I said getting a yogurt out. "Who the hell are you" he asked stepping back. "Its me Chloe" I said confu- oh my hair. "Zayn I died my hair red" I explained "Oh well be careful because Louis me and Harry and Giggles are the only ones home so Niall and Liam are probably think your a stranger when you get home I'll tell Louis about your hair love" he said and left. "Oh my God. STRANGER DANGER! STANGER DANGER!" Harry screamed. "Hazza calm down" Cayla came down and hugged me. "Why are you hugging a stranger" Harry asked her. Wow he really is stupid. "Its just Chloe Haz she dies her hair red yesterday" she explained with her arm around my waist,mine around her shoulders. "Oh" was all he said."Hey guess what tomorrow is" I said turning to Cayla." How could I forget that tomorrow is Barney's b-day" she said sarcastically "It is?" Harry asked obviously confused. "No! its our b-day" we said happily in unison. "Oh yay you guys can officially drink things that aren't beer and get drunk" he said sounding stupid. "Please we got high of of Pixie tix and we were just eating them" Cayla said which was completely true, that happens when you trust us with candy.

Later that day

Almost Everyone Except Liam has come home and thought I was stranger.I heard the car door close and saw Liam coming in I turned off the t.v. and ran into my room. Everyone and Everything was back to normal. Whenever me and Lou were grounded everyone let us do whatever and then covered for us when Liam came home and that's what happened today.  I'm sitting on my bed acting like I'm writing in my journal. Matter a fact whenever any of us are grounded we don't care what each other do and when Liam comes home we cover for each other.I was brought back to reality by Liam coming in my room. "Cupcake- Who are you?,and what ate you doing in Chloe's room?" "Lili its me I died my hair red calm down" "Oh my God you look so different,but I'm a good way" "Thanks can I have my phone back because tomorrow is my b-day" "Sure,you look so different when we first met you and Cayla looked so much a like now the only thing different is your hair and piercings and height well you've always been taller but you know what I mean here's your phone" he handed me my phone and I pulled out the boy: Jake's phone number and put it in my phone and text him.

To Jake:

Hey it's me Chloe

"Who's number did you just put in your phone" Crap. Liam was still here I can't tell him that some people were flirting with me and Cayla he'll flip out so will the rest of the boys. "Um me and Cayla had met up again with our friends that we lost intouch with at 11 pm then came hone after we exchanged numbers again" that was a lie. "What are their names" "Jake and Ryan""Oh their boys" he seemed a little mad. "Get Cayla and meet me and the boys in the living room in 5 minutes we need to talk". I got Cayla and we waited 5 minutes And we went downstairs......

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