Next Day

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ch.41-Louis' pov Next day

I looked next to me to see a very much awake girlfriend on her phone. "Goodmorning love" "Oh...hey babe your up finally" she exclaimed.She looked so beautiful. I smashed my lips to hers immediately. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm not stopping. In seconds I was on top of her,and moving to her neck.

Chloe's pov

"Louis make sure the door is locked first please" he closed the door and resumed his actions.

Zayn's pov

Me,Cayla,Harry,Niall, Liam are going to a movie.I decided to ask Chloe and Louis if they wanted to go. I walked upstairs and heard moans.And back down I go.

After the movie

Cayla's pov

We were driving home from seeing Insidious 2, when I got a text from Max saying 'I'm stopping by before I leave for California' . "Alright we need to clean up again so our older brother doesn't kill us" I said looking up to see we were home. "When and what time?" Liam asked. "Tomorrow at 5" we got out and unlocked the door to see empty monster cans and pixie stix wrappers.Shit.But no Louis or Chloe.

(A/N hey sorry we haven't updated in awhile we just been busy)

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