Big Bro Visit

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"Cayla Wake up Jason will be here in an hour" I was trying to wake up Cayla. Our older brother Jason is coming over today, and he's not gonna be happy that we're living with 5 guys."I'm up I'm up...Wait JASON IS COMING! HOLY SHIT ILL TAKE CARE OF ME HARRY AND ZAYN YOU GET NIALL LOUIS JUST TELL LIAM TO GET DRESSED" She screamed and I ran out to tell the boys.

20 minutes later

"He'll be here in like 5 minutes everybody ready" I got a bunch of yeas. Everybody was wear nice clothes, the boys: were wearing jeans and v-necks, and girls: Cayla wore a short flower dress and I wore :White Short shorts and a red v-neck. *knock knock*. "He's here!" Cayla and I screamed in unison. We ran to the door and opened it to see a big muscly older brother. "Damn Jason someone's been working out" I said getting his attention. "How are my favorite sisters" "We're your only sisters dumb ass" Cayla commented. "Come in guys this is Jason Jason this is Louis Liam Zayn Niall and Harry.....our roommates" "Their guys" Jason sounded angry. "Jason calm down" me and Cayla said. "Fine just DONT hurt my sisters or I will personally kill you all in ways that haven't been invented yet" Shit Jason stop scaring my boyfriend. "Ok lets start your 23 by going out" "Not in those shorts or that dress" he said pointing to me and Cayla's outfits. "Dude we're 16 and we're gonna wear what we want so just suck it up and lets go to your b-day breakfast" Cayla said throwing the keys to Liam.

(A/N sorry for such a short chapter but oh well the other one will be better hope you like it love ya lovelys)

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