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"Liam is over reacting babe your sexy and you deserve this" Louis says as we close our door. "Sexy, you think I'm sexy?" I ask shocked no one has ever said that to me I'm used to hearing that I'm ugly. "Yes I think your sexy why?" "I'm used to being called ugly, the sad thing is my family called be ugly the most,that's why I was nervous at the beginning of the shoot, whatever my family and people at school said I took seriously, if they said I was ugly I would try to look pretty they said that I acted like a boy so my guy cousins would treat me like a guy and hurt me physically if they called me fat I would starve myself and wear baggy clothes. They'd treat me like crap Louis and it would lower my self-esteem, I was the favorite until the day I turned 13 they got me a salad saying that I need it" my voice started to crack thinking of how mean they were. Tears were falling down my face at how abusive verbally mentally and physically they were to me. "Well they were stupid and wrong Your not ugly your sexy your not fat-" "Because I starved myself, you could ask Cayla I don't eat the same way I did before, she thinks that it was just a change in appetite when I grew up" I cut him off I was pouring myself out to Louis. "I am no where near sexy Lou-" he cut me off with a passionate kiss. He bit my lower lip asking for entrance,which I allowed. He picked me up not breaking the kiss and put me on the bed so he was on top. It took me and Louis and hour and 20 minutes to get ready to go out we're going to Josh's house for a party at 7. An hour too get dressed in the right outfit,and 20 minutes of Louis 'distracting' me.

12:00 midnight

"Shhhh your gonna wake them up" Louis slurred we both got hammered so Josh drove us home. We stumbled into the house and up the stairs we were fine 'till someone slammed the door.Louis. "Louis your gonna wake them up" I whispered/shouted. "They can't do anything to us they're not the boss,and your older then Cayla if anything you can kick all of them and her out it's your house" "I know but I don't know" "Whatever you know you look sexy when you dance babe" "Thanks so do you" right when we both leaned in to kiss each other when…

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