Chapter 6 - Bring on the Crazy

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Hey guys sorry I had writers block :( It SUCKS!! Hahaha so here Jamie and Claire finally meet yay! Anyway just wanted to say "hope you like it ::D!"

RECAP: So Claire is watching Jamie flirt with Miss Dalziel.

Some people are ridiculous, I mean I knew the boy was fine but --- ohhh shit! I did NOT just think that. Bad Claire, bad. Men are scum, they only want one thing. And even if they don't, they only want to show how strong they are by kicking you down. No, I must never think like that EVER again.

Shocked at myself, I take out some paper and begin doodling with my good hand. I hear someone clear their throat and look up into a pair of stunning blue eyes. Oh shit, this can't be good.

Chapter 6

Jamie's POV

There she is. That is the first thought that enters my mind as I walked into class. Hell, I think I need to calm down a little; I'm coming off as obsessed. But I'm really not obsessed, not even a little. Jamie Padelecki does not obsess over girls! I mean, I just want to know her; I want to learn what mystery's she's got behind those green eyes, I want to know why she sits alone, why she hides behind her clothes. I want her to want to know me, I want her... Alright, I'll admit maybe that's not 100% normally. I let out a sigh. No time for that kind of shit, I need to focus on the case right now.

I tear my eyes from her and walk towards the teacher's desk. Flirting has always been more Jeremy's thing, but it comes in handy from time to time. Our dad's used to say how sometimes a little flirting can get just the right information for a lead, and so they'd get use to practice all the time. Jeremy's adapted that skill into his everyday life, but I've rarely used it. Might as well put the lessons to good use now.

"Why, don't you look dolled up today Miss Dalziel." I wink at the 40 year old sitting in front of me. Her eyes widen before she giggles and looks down.

"Thank you, Jamie that's very sweet of you." She giggles like a young girl. "Oh, and today is a free period" Hold up, was it just me or did she put to much emphasis on 'free'. I shake my head and listen to her once again. "Be sure to use it wisely" she finishes with a wink.

"Oh I sure will Miss D" I answer, trying to back away without making an sudden movements. She seems kind of ready to jump me.

She licks her lips and let's out a sound extremely close to a 'meow'. I back away a little faster, crap this has gone way to far. I quickly nod to her before turning towards my usual seat only to find it already occupied. Damn, this day just keeps on getting better, queue the sarcasm. I look around to see that nearly every other seat is full as well. Man, when did this class get so big?

My heart speeds up when I see the only free seat next to mystery girl. A smile forms on my lips before I can stop myself. I make my way towards, extremely pleased that I now have a good excuse to introduce myself. I stand in front of her for a good minute and a half before I realize this is ridiculous. Here I am standing and staring like an idiot while she doodles away, oblivious. I clear my throat, and wait for her to turn her head. When she does, I am surprised yet again by the wariness and hostility in her gaze. My facial expression must be a little messed up because her eyes suddenly turn curious. Talk, dumbass, talk I mentally chide myself. Standing around like an idiot is definitely going to impress her. Where's Jeremy when you need him? Actualy wait scratch that, he'd steal her away. I heard that chick he was seeing just didn't cut it, then again who really does - aw shit my mind just keeps rambling! Come on think of something, anything.

"Uh, yeah so anyone sitting here right now?" I want to mentally slap my forehead. God that's such a stupid thing to say. She looks at me, looks at the empty chair beside her, looks back up to me and raises an eyebrow. Yeah, I guess I should have realized there was no one else in this class left to sit there. Oh well damage done, I decide to continue anyway.

"I'm Jamie, Jamie Padelecki" There, that's not so bad.

"Claire" she answers rather curtly. Alright not much of a talker. That's fine, I guess. I must have shown my disappointment because her eyes soften a little.

"Look sorry I'm just not really having such a great morning." She explains, and her shoulders seem to visibly sag.

"No worries" I smile at her "We all get those days"

"Some more than others" she mumbles under her breath. I don't think I was meant to hear this so I decide to let it pass... for now. I look around for a safe and neutral topic but come up empty handed. Damn, somehow she just didn't seem in the mood for 20 questions. I look back at her, to see that she went back to doodling. Huh, she writes with her left than.

"You're a lefty?" I ask her, doing ridiculous hand motions all the while. Yeah, smooth Jamie.

"Hm?" she seems confused by my question, but I guess my hand movements made some weird kind of sense cause she suddenly shook her head. "Nope, I'm ambidextrous." She lifts up both hands and let's out a very, very tiny smile. My whole face lights up just from that small movement of her lips. Then I notice the gauze covering her entire right hand. What the hell? What could have caused a wound that size?

"What happened to your hand?" I ask, with maybe a little to much concern. I move my hand out to touch her arm, and as soon as it does tingles spread across my arm towards my chest. The only way to describe this feeling was like when you foot falls asleep, and then the blood starts rushing back. Except for the fact that this feeling was 100 time more intense and pleasurable. It made me want to hug her close and never let go. She hastily leans away from me, all smiles gone only to be replaced by a steely and guarded look. Well there goes that fantasy. And what the hell is that look for? God, this girl is so hard to read.

"Nothing" she answers coldly, before getting up, grabbing her bag and walking out. The bell rang just as she leaves the class. Holy shit, an entire period has already gone by? Damn, it felt like five minutes. I must have been staring longer than necessary. I made my way towards my next class in a daze, wondering who Claire really is.

Claire's POV

Damn that boy for letting me put my guard down. He better drop the business about my hand or I'm going to have to come up with another lie. At least he's forgotten about the bruises, after all the cover up is hiding them pretty well today. I can't believe I let myself get so caught up in our conversation. That class felt not even 10 minutes long. This is bad, very bad. That goose bump, heart squeezing feeling came on to me as soon as I stared up into those blue eyes can mean only one thing. And those sparks that flew between us when he grazed my arm. No one touches me without my permission, yet I had felt myself wanting to bring him close, and never let him go. God, what's happening to me? It's blue eyes' fault. It's Jamie's fault. Now he was going to be a problem for me to push away. He's just too nice, and awkward. I've finally met someone who is as awkward as me, wait 'til Remy hears this. I smile at the thought.

I walk towards the bus station, deciding to ditch the rest of the day. As much as I want to see Jamie again, I also don't want to see him. He makes me question everything, all of my reasoning's about men and society. I shake my head as I board the bus. He is not important right now, right now I have to find a way to butter Remy up so that he doesn't pitch a fit when I show up at his place.

The bus moves through town, and I hastily push the button to get off. I grin a little, getting into a better mood. Remy loves surprises, and I know just what to get him.

OKAY SO A LITTLE SHORT BUT MORE IS ON THE WAY; I HAVE BIG PLANS FOR THIS!!! SO.... PLEASE leave some comments and feedback!!!! If you liked it feel free to vote *hint hint, nudge nudge*, and if you LOVED it, maybe become a fan, maybe? :D Anyway, happy reading!!


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