Chappy #9: 3/4 Mansluts are Met

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lets get to it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



The nerve. I couldn't believe he said I wasn't good enough for him. I was better then him. I was determined to show him that. I turned a corner and slammed into someone who had dropped their phone.

"Sorry." I said while picking up his phone. What was with me and slamming into people today? I looked up to find one of Cameron's best friends, Jack looking pretty mad at me.

"Watch where your going loser." He said. His eyes did a quick do over of my body then his mad eyes were replaced by confused eyes. "Aren't you the girl who's with Cameron?" he asked. I froze. How could he already know. This barely happened about a minute ago. "He told us all this morning to keep an eye on you." he responded. Oh my gosh. He would do that? That's so sweet. And creepy.

"Has Cameron told you anything else?" I asked quietly.

"The bet. Your so gonna lose. Once Cameron wants something, he gets it. And I don't know why he even made the stupid bet because I think you would make a weak luna." He said, squinting at me.

"For your information, I made the bet. And Cameron may or may not be like that, but once I'm done with your little alpha, he'll be so whipped."  I said confidentially.

"Oo a feisty and stubborn one, aren't you? You know those are my favorite kind?" He said, walking closer. This time, I was smart enough to be standing in the middle of the hallway so there was no locker to bang into, just a wall that was about thirty feet away so I was good. "Just too bad your Cameron's. We would have made great friends." He said winking at me. It sent chills down my spine, and not the good kind, like when Cameron was with me.

"I am not Cameron's, and I have to go home because of the blackout your friend Cameron gave me. So goodbye and have a horrible day." I said smiling at him. Then I started to walk down the hall. Like a boss.

"Rainie, I got your stuff! Lets go!" I heard Bella say when I got down to my locker. My locker was on the 2nd floor and the nurses office was on the 3rd. I quickly grabbed my stuff and started walking with Bella to the elevator.

"So any news on Mr. I suck at being a mate?" she asked.

"Well..." I told her. I told her every little detail from me playing candy crush, to mine and Cameron's contest. I even told her about the encounter with me and Jack. Bella and I never kept secrets mostly because we both couldn't keep one. Suddenly, my phone started buzzing. That's weird, I don't remember changing my ringtone.

I looked into my bag and pulled out my phone. No new messages or calls. That's weird. And, the phone was still ringing!

"Rainie have you been stealing phones?" Bella asked while looking in my bag.

"No why?" I asked while she pulled out a black iphone with a blue case that said J. "I swear I have never seen that in my life." I said. I couldn't even remember hijacking a phone. I did not steal.

"Did you ever give Jack his phone back Rain?" Oh my gosh. No! I couldn't believe it. We were both so into the conversation, I forgot to give him his phone back! And he forgot to take it back!

"I cannot believe your holding Jack's phone." I said while snatching it. I pressed the home button and the "slide to unlock" screen came up. It was a picture of him, Cameron, Dylan, Jay, Ray, Brandon, and Ben.

"Well at least it isn't a picture of a naked girl." Bella said. I laughed, knowing that Jack was the second biggest player out of them all. Cameron first, then him, then Dylan, and then Jay. Brandon and Ray weren't players at all. Well maybe Ray was a perv, but Brandon was chill with girls.

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