Chappy #11: Realizing the Role

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Well I didn't get 15 likes cuz you guys are lazy buttheads but ATLEAST im a nice person so ill write.




Everyone just stared. A girl being a pack warrior? That was highly, HIGHLY rare.

I still couldn't believe it myself. Me, Rainie, as a pack warrior.

Suddenly, everyone broke out in applause and had big smiles on their faces. Most of them were from my pack, but they were still pretty encouraging. I stood up, hearing all the cheers, and nicely walked up the stage and stood next to Brandon's right side, which was left for them. I was still proccesing it. Okay, me, as in Ranie, will be a pack warrior?


But then it hit me. I saw as Jay started whispering to Cameron and pointed to his arm.

No no no no!

Pack warriors had to have a symbol, one that show's everyone their a pack warrior.

How do you get that symbol you might ask?

Well, you get a tattoo. I didn't want a tattoo! I hated them so much! I had never even put on a temporary tattoo, EVER.

"Uhh Brandon?!?!" I whispered to him.

"Yeah Rain?" he whispered back, not breaking eye contact with the audience, who were busy talking softly.

"I AM NOT GETTING TATTOOS UP MY ARM!" I whispered harshly. Everyone on the stage heard it, and Cameron started chuckling, as did Jay.

"Rainie chill. I asked and said to the council that you didnt want to get tattoos and they denied it, but when I told them you were a girl, they said you have to get at least one." he said softly. Phew.

But I still have to get one!!!

"Its not going to be on my arm." I told him. He turned to look at me. His stare was unpleasent and he looked like he was debating something.

"Listen Rainie, I love you, you know that." he said, which earned a small growl from Cameron. Brandon rolled his eyes and continued. "But you have to get one!" he finished.

"Fine. Can it be on my lower back?" I asked. I didnt want everyone to see it, and my lower back was a pretty good spot.

"Sure?" he asked/said. Good. I would take care of it Saturday.

"Everyone is dismissed. Red Blood Pack members, you can either go up to bed, or there will be music and food in the party room until 11:00." said Alpha Jake.

"Shadow Night Pack members, same goes for you." Brandon's dad finished. He turned to us and spoke. "Brandon, Cameron, Ben, Dylan, Rainie, and Jay, you guys can talk in the Back Office." He said.

We stepped off of the stage and started to leave through the private doors, while people were still shuffling out of the room. The boys started up a conversation, which I decided not to take part of. Instead I looked around and paid attention to where I was going. Geez, how rich were these people? I glanced at the pictures hanging on the walls while we walked. Every thirty feet, there would be a small table with flowers on it at the edge of the hallway. I looked at the guys and saw they were talking about Ben's road trip.

We were all planning on taking a road trip together. "We" meaning The Crew. So why was Ben talking about it with the Man-Sluts?

"Rainie?" Ben spoke. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. I turned my head a little bit to the side and motioned for him to talk. "Do you think it'd be alright if Cameron, Dylan, Jay and Jack joined our road trip?" he asked.

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