Chappy #8: The Contest Begins

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while. Been really busy with mid terms but starting Monday I am on break so I'll write more! Here it is! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

PIC ON SIDE IS BELLA!!! >>>>>>>>>>


I woke up in the morning to sound of Chris Brown's "Don't Wake Me Up". Bella hated alarm clocks but loved music, so for her 10th birthday I had gotten her an alarm clock that plays music. You didn't even have to download or buy the music! You could just search the song and add it to your playlist. And today's just happened to be the guy who abused my favorite singer, Rihanna.

"Only coffee, no sugar, INSIDE MY CUP!" I sang along. Hey, even though I hate him, he's good at singing.

"IF I WAKE AND YOUR HERE STILL, GIMME A KISS! I WAS DREAMIN, ABOUT YOUR LIPS! Don't wake me up up up up up UP! Don't wake me U-" I was cut off by the music ending and a pillow being thrown at my head. I turned around to see Bella with another pillow in her hand.

"You know how annoying it is when you blast up your fudging alarm clock that goes off at 6:30 in the morning, ON A SATURDAY!?" she asked while yelling the last part.

"Bellssssssssssssssss?" I asked.


"ITS THURSDAY!" I yelled.

"Ugh wake me up when its uh, TOMORROW." She said while plopping her head back into her pillow.

"Don't you mean Saturday?" I asked her while brushing my hair in the mirror.

"Nope" she said popping the p. "On Friday we are going to a party." she said happily.

"Bella. You can't go to a party your not invited to." I said while chuckling which, earned me another pillow to the head.

"Shut up! I am invited! You know that hot guy in our calculus class?" she asked.


"Oh yeah. I meant in our geometry class, Josh." she said.

"Oh yeah yeah yeah.. I saw him talking to you! Omg did he ask you to go to a party with him? You guys are gonna be so cute."

"Woah Rain slow down. Its a party, were not getting married. And yeah he did."

"Who's party?" I asked. I saw her stop playing with her hair. She looked nervous all of a sudden.

"Bella if its that guy who stole my pencil and never gave it back last week its fine. I think you got him back."

"I only kicked that guy! And he was denying taking you fuzzy pencil! What was I suppose to do?!" she yelled.

"Uh maybe not kick him in the balls? It was just a pencil."

"Whatever" she said. "Anyway, promise me you won't get mad at me."

"I promise Bella."

"Well...." she said then took a deep breath. "Its Cameron's party.." she said. I froze at the sound of his name. Just yesterday, he was a stranger and now, its like he's Tom the Cat and I'm Jerry the Mouse. Mostly because Jerry is cute..

"Oh." I said nonchalantly. I tried to make it not look like a big deal. "Hey I call shower first. See ya!" With that I rushed into the hallway, and into the bathroom. I turned the knob to cold and stripped down. I used my favorite shampoo and conditioner, Lavender Rose.

After my shower, I opened the door to run to my room. I was doing good progress until I ran into a wall... WITH SPARKS?

"Sorry I-" I heard Cameron say. He stopped when he saw it was just me. I saw as his eyes raked up my body. Waittt... someone remind me what I was wearing? Oh that's right: NOTHING!!!!!

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