Chappy #14: My Poor Bella

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I hate Bella so much. I hate hate hate her. I never even wanted to come to this stupid party anyway. 

So far, it's been about 10 minutes sine me and Bella walked through the door and into Cameron's beachhouse. And in that 10 minutes, three guys have said i look hot, two guys have tried to hook up, and one guy has attemped, and failed to grind on me.

It's not like I didn't see it coming. Guys are idiots, they try to hook up with any girl at a party. And I've seen it before, I just haven't been a victim. Probably because no one ever realized I even existed. And I think I know why.

I admit that Cameron being my mate is the worst thing that has happened to me, but theres one good thing that has come out of it. I'm starting to become the person I aways wanted to be.

I've always wanted to be that brave girl. Not the one who's ready to fight in the army, but the one who has dripping with confidence, but not over-confidence. And I feel like this whole bet with Cameron thing is really starting to bring that side of me out. I never really needed my confident side ecause, well no one ever really medded with me. But now, it was different.

"Hey babe wanna get jiggy with me?" some guy holding a bear bottle asked. 

"Um no thanks." Imumbled before walking away. These guys, I swear they will never-

"Ayee girl, come one lets go over to that corner.." another guy said while raising a joint to his lips.

"Yeah no." I said while walking away.

"Whatever, your loss." he said as he started to walk away, but then tripping and fell hard on the ground.

"Probably because he's higher than the clouds right now" I mumbed to myself.

"Hey Rainie, wanna dance?" ANOTHER guy asked. 


"Wanna dance?" he repeated.

"Ummm I don't really think thats such a great idea.." I said to him. Hell yeah it wasn't a great idea. It was a horrible idea! What is Cameron spotted me with his best friend! They would fight and then their friendship would be ruined and I would die.

Wait. Why the flipping hell would two guys fight over me? WAKE UP RAINIE THIS IS NOT YOUR EDWARD AND JACOB DREAMS. 

Wait. What if Cameron did see me with Dylan..??

And instead of getting mad, he got...


Woah. I couldn't even imagine Cameron getting jealous. Actually I couldn't imagine him getting jealous over me.. Oh well. We'll see about that.

"So are you going to respond or stand their silent  checking me out for another three minutes?" I heard Dylan ask. Woah he was still there? I thought he would have left. 

"Sorry I just kinda spaced out. Wait, did you just say checking you out?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah that's what you'v been doing.?" he said. Yeah right. 

"You wish. But dropping that, yes we can dance." I said while rolling my eyes. This better work. 

I grabbed Dylan's hand and we led each other to the dance floor. I started looking for Cameron to see if he was around.

"Don't worry, I know what you're thinking. Cameron and Jay went out to get more ice." he said. Oh, well then what am I still doing here?

"Actually I'm kinda thirsty, so I'll go get a drink." I said while waking away, soon to be pulled back by Dylan.

"I need to talk to you." he said with clear determination in his eyes. I knew I wasn't getting out of this one."

"Okayyy What about?" I asked.

"Wellll its about your little friend Bella." OMG did Bella tell him that she liked him? What if he's telling me that they're dating?! Aww Bellsss! Maybe at Bella's wedding, I'll tell this story. Hmm what color would my bridesmaid dress be? OMG YES A PINK BODYCON WITH A WHILE SPARKLY BELT. Rainie Hayes, you are such a genius. "And I don't know how to respond to that."

Wait what just happened?

"Im sorry I kinda zoned out, can you say that again?" I asked him. Seriously Rainie?! Bridesmaid's dresses?!?! Actually a pink bodycon with a white sparkly belt does sound really cute..

"You know you do that a lot?" he said while chuckling. Believe me, I know I do. "Anyway, I was saying that I have this problem. And its not exactly a bad problem. You see, I have an amazing gift of reading people. Like I know you don't want to dance with me, you just wanted to get Cameron to notice you." I froze. How did he know about that? 


"Save it. But I can also read other people. Like you friend Bella." Oh no Bella. You're in trouble. "And I know why she acts so bitchy to me. Its because she likes me. And no offense, shes pretty and all but I'm not exactly looking for a relationship but I don't want to hurt her or anything cuz then she'll act even more bitchy." True.

"So why are you telling me this?"

"So you can tell it to her. I like her as a person, but I dont want to be with her or anthing. Maybe in the future or something, but not now." he said.

"Sorry Dylan but I don't want to do your work for you. If you need to talk to Bella then talk to her." I said while walking away. I don't do other people's dirty work, even though this isn't dirty work.

I looked at the time on my watch. It read 8:50. And the party ended at 12, but Cameron had invited us to the after party until 2.

And I knew that Bella wouldn't let me leave until the very last minute of the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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