Chapter 10

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"Molls get out of bed." Roman yelled for the fifth time in 2 minutes.

"I don't wanna..." I whined.

Yestarday was a hard day for me.

My evil dad wanted to take my life away from me. Zach left telling me to leave him alone.

Yeah I don't think I have enough strength to get up and face the hard nasty world.

"If you don't get your ass up now. I'm going to fucking drag you out of bed." he groaned.

"Pshhh. No you won't." I laughed at his tiny threat.

The next thing I know is I was yanked from my comfortable bed and on someone's shoulder.

"Put me down king kong. You donkey. Put me down." I sputtered pounding on his back.

"I told your ass to get up. Didn't I?" he slowly put me down and turned around to look at me.

"Now Mollie I'm telling you. He's not worth it. I'm not letting you sleep all day okay? Go take a shower so I can drop you and Crystal off. Shoo! Go now!" he said shoving me towards the bathroom.

I just chuckled. But I think he is right.

I can't sit at home crying about it.

I quickly took a shower and put on a purple tank top and black jeans. With my combat boots and ran downstairs.

"Hi mom!" I said giving her a kiss.

"Hi my baby doll!" I said giving Crystal a kiss.

"Well aren't you cheery on a Monday morning!" my mom said chuckling.

"Well yes. Roman gives some good advice." I said looking at Roman with a smile.

"Come on Molls. You don't need to hurt my ego now. I need to sound tough." he groaned but a smile tugging his lips.

I just stuck my tongue out. And drank some water.

"Okay let's go now!" I said taking Crystal and skipping to the door.

"Bye baby. Have a good day at school!"

I just left the house with a smile.

The same time I went outside. Zach came out.

"Ummmm.... Crystal we have some time before school let's go walk for a bit?" I said looking down at her.

She nodded her head and started walking.

"Mollie wait up." Zach said running up to us.

I just stood there awkwardly looking down at my shoes.

"Look about yestatday I--" but was interrupted.

"Come on guys I'm la-- what the fuck are you doing here?" Roman saod harshly.

"Look man I just wanted to say so--"

"I don't care. Come on guys. You guys are late for school and I'm late to work." he said grabbing Crystal and walking away.

"Look I don't want to talk with you." I said walking away.

Zach grabbed my hand and turned md around.

"Look I just want to apoligize..." Zach looked so sad and alone.

I kind of felt sorry for him.

No Mollie! Snap out of it.

"I don't care. Yestarday you told me to leave you alone. Okay I will. You don't know how that made me feel." I said tears brimming my eyes.

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