Chapter 26

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M O L L I E (Mollie's P.O.V)

Walking up to the table I saw all of my friends and Zach's friends sitting there.

"Hey guys!" I said smiling.

"What's up Mollie." Chris said.

"Hi Chris!" I smiled back.

"Oh so you already met him huh?" Brian whispered.

I nodded my head!

"So Chris where's Zach?" Juliette asked.

"I don't know!" Chris replied.

"What do you mean you don't know!" Antionette said.

"He was with me one second and then he was gone. So I don't know where he went!" Chris replied.

"Let me just text him." Calvin said.

I felt my phone buzzed and checked to see I had received a text.

From: Gabriel

To: Mollie

Meet me outside in the parking lot in 5. Please I really need to talk to you!! It's urgent!

I read the text and got up instantly.

"Hey guys I'll meet you later. Okay?" I said and gathered my stuff.

I started walking away when Chris had called me.

"Hey Mollie wait up!" I stopped and turned around.

"Who was that?" Chris asked me curiously.

"It was Gabriel!" I said and started walking.

"I'm going to tag along!" He smiled.

I nodded my head and walked out to the parking lot.

I saw Gabe's back facing me.

I walked up to him and he turned around.

"Gabe. What the fuck happened?" I yelled in shock.

On his face there was blood dripping from his face. And on his forehead a long scar.

Gabriel looked ar Chris and looked at me.

"He's Zach's brother!" I explained.

He glared at Chris but then looked at me again.

"Gabe how did this happen?" I said.

I pulled out a napkin from my back pack and started dabbing his forehead.

Gabriel kept hissing in pain.

"Are you going to tell me who did this to you?" I yelled at him.


"What?" Chris and I yelled at the same time.

"Zach could have never done this to you!" I whispered.

"Well he did. Zach's going crazy, Mollie. He came up to me and blamed me of why he broke up with you. He started beating me up and yelling at me. He then took out a knife slashed me on the head!" Gabe explained.

"Okay tell me the rest later. I'm going to take you home. My mom will clean you up. Come on!" I whispered shocked.

The drive back to my house was unpleasant.

Chris didn't come with us.

I took Gabe inside the house.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Yes sweetheart. Oh my god!" My mom said. She ran up to Gabe and sat him down.

"Mollie go get me my kit!"

I ran up to my mom's room and pulled out her kit.

I ran back downstairs.

I gave her the kit and she started cleaning him up.

Just one thought was haunting my mind.

Why would Zach do that?


C H R I S (Chris' P.O.V)

When I saw what had happened to Gabriel I was surprised. But when he said my brother had done that to him I got extremely pissed.

I wanted to say something but I didn't.

I knew Zach wasn't the type for violence. So I knew it wasn't him that did that to Gabriel.

Mollie asked if I wanted to come to her house so her mom can heal Gabriel but I denied.

I went back inside the lunch room and sat down with the group.

"Hey dude. What's wrong with you?" Spencer whispered.

"I want to talk to you and the guys. Meet me outside right now!" I whispered back.

I got up and walked out to the parking lot.

A couple of minutes later Spencer, Calvin, and Brian all came outside.

"Why did you call us outside?" Brian asked.

"So you know how Zach and Mollie broke up right?" They all nodded.

"Roman made them!" I said.

They all looked at me like I went crazy.

"What the hell!" Calvin said.

I filled them in with the plan. I knew I wasn't supposed to but I had no other choice.

I also let them know what happened with Gabriel a while back.

"That's fucking crazy!" Brian hissed.

"Why the fuck would Gabriel say that?" Calvin asked.

"So Mollie can give him sympathy and take his side!" I explained.

"Okay. But what are we supposed to do now. We can't tell the girls this. Espically Mollie!" Spencer said.

"Hey guys! Look!" Brian said.

He showed us his phone and we read the text on his screen.

Bitches. I have your beloved Zach with me. I told you not to mess with things that are mine. Because you take my precious items I take yours!

Hey My Purple Minions

This chappie really sucked. Just sucked.
I'm sorry. I'm really trying but I've been extremely busy because of graduation that's coming up and school is becoming really demanding also! >.<

That's why from now on the chappies will be kind of short and blahhh!!!!

So yeah someone kidnapped Zach. OMG O.O

What's going to happen? Will Mollie go and look or will she believe in everything Gabriel says.

I was planning on starting a new book. But I don't know. I might just wait until this book finishes or yeah. I really don't know.

I really appreciate all the votes and comments I get because everytime I post a chappie I get more reads and votes. And it's just amazing for me. Because this is my first book. And yeah I just love all the appreciation I get for this book. So thank you guys. And keep doing what you do. Love you :*

Next chappie will be uploaded next week!


All that jazz. ^That would be highly appreciated


That's a wrap. One love and peace


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