Copyright © 2013-2014. All Rights Reserved.
---------------------------------Z A C H (Zach's P.O.V)
"Yes, you did!" A monotone voice had said. Chris and I lifted our heads up to see Mollie standing by the door.
"Mollie! What are you doing here?" Chris growled, getting up. By his tone of voice you could notice he wasn't on Mollie's side.
"I just came to let you guys know that I'm moving." She said.
I just stood, not even looking at her.
"Where?" Chris' voice got soft.
"New York."
"With who?" I blurted out. Looking at Mollie, she was staring at me, sadly.
"Drew!" She whispered.
Can you hear that? A million pieces hitting the floor? Those millions of pieces was my heart.
I looked back at her.
"Why?" I said, advancing towards her. She kept backing up until her back hit the wall. I placed my hands to the side of her head.
"Because him and I are both going to college soon. And he asked if I wanted to live with him so I agreed." She said looking down.
A knock came from the door and I moved back.
"Babe. We have to go pack. The flights tomorrow." Drew said, coming up to Mollie.
Mollie quickly wiped her eyes and smiled up at him. It was more of a forced smile.
"Yeah I know. I just wanted to let these two know."
Mollie went up to Chris and hugged him. Chris hugged her back. "Even though, we didn't know each other for a long time. You were like a little baby sister to me." Chris smiled.
"I'll be coming back. I'll visit." Mollie said.
She looked at me and slowly walked up to me.
She wrapped her hands around my neck and whispered a quiet 'Sorry'.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tight. "Don't go!" I muttered, tear after tear rolling down my eyes.
She pulled back and walked away with Drew.
I slid against the wall, crying.
So this is how it feels to have your heart broken?
The next morning everyone was up early in the morning, to go to the airport.
"ZACH!" Chris yelled, coming through the door.
"What?" I groaned.
"Get ready. We have to go." He yelled, even though he was sitting on the edge of my bed.
I kicked his side which made him topple off the bed.
"What the hell?" He groaned.
"I'm not going. Let me sleep." I muttered. I put the blanket over my head.
"You're coming." A feminine voice had said.
I took off the cover from my eyes and my mom was standing there, looking like she was in no mood to argue.
"MOM!" I whined.
"Zachary Rider. Get your ass up and get ready. You're coming." She yelled. She slammed my door shut.
Chris and I stared at each other, wide eyed.
"Woah is right." I muttered. Groaning for the last time I got up and went to the bathroom.
Looking in the bathroom mirror, my eyes were puffed up and swollen. Bloody red. I looked like hell.
I went in the shower and stood there, thinking.
I heard a loud, rough knock and turned the shower off. Drying off I put on a red button up and black jeans and paired it off with my Polo shoes.
Leaving my hair just like it was I got out of the bathroom to meet Ella sitting on my bed.
"What's up buddy?" I said sitting on the bed ruffling her hair up. She swat my hand away and glared, and fixed up. I just laughed.
"Uncle Zach. Does Mollie really have to go?" She asked the question that made my heart ache. I looked at her and nodded my head. She surprised me by hugging me tight. I felt another pair of arms and saw Jason hugging me as well. I felt someone hugged me from the back and it was Layla and Chris. Mia was in Layla's hands and Randy came running in the room as well. I let them all hug me tightly while I softly sobbed. What did I do to deserve such an amazing family?
I heard a soft whimper and looked up to find my mom by the door shaking, tears rolling down her face.
I slowly got up from the bed and walked over to my mom and wrapped my arms around her tightly.
"I'm sorry Zach. I'm sorry." My mom said, sobbing.
"Sh! You can't do anything about it. All I'm wishing is everything goes back to normal." I whispered.
"Let's go. I'm finished with this sappy shit. I don't look good crying." Chris muttered. We all laughed and got ready to go to the airport.
The car ride to the aiport was hell. I wouldn't be seeing Mollie anymore. And it was my fault that this happening.
When we arrived to the airport I spotted Mollie right away.
She was huddled up in the middle between her family.
All of us walked up to her. The only reason we came to the airport was because my parents, Nana, the kids, my sister wanted to meet her before she left.
Chris and I were dreading this.
Mollie was finally separeted from her family.
She walked over to Chris and I.
"So I guess this is the end huh?" Mollie whispered looking at me.
"I guess so." I muttered.
"Don't say that you two. This is only the beginning." Chris yelled pulling us together. Us three just stood there in the middle of the airport hugging.
I wished that time would freeze and we can stay like this forever.
I just wish!
Hey My Purple Minions. Wazzup.Oh god. It's almost ending! :'(
My journey through my first book ever was amazing. Thanks to you guys.
I also want to say a big thank you to melissaw8 because she was the one who made this beautiful cover for this book. She made 3 in total. So thank you. I appreciate your support doll!♥
So on to the book. This is the last chapter. The next update will be a epilogue which will be posted in a week or two. The epilogue will be short and simple. Then the next time you will be seeing me is in the sequel. Yes. You heard right. I am making a sequel!
I was too attached to all the characters. I just couldn't say bye. So I'm making a sequel. It will be mostly in Zach's P.O.V.
The sequel will be posted somewhere after the epilogue. Probably two-three weeks after.
So I'll be seeing you in the epilogue.
Please vote and comment. It shows that you do enjoy reading my book.
FANAll that jazz. ^That would be highly appreciated.
Whoever is here till the end...
I love you♥ You are a star★
That's a wrap. One love and peace☆♡

Finding True Love
RomanceMollie is a typical teenage girl and Zach is a player. He still doesn't have feelings and he doesn't know what the word feelings means. Until he meets Mollie Jennings. Meet Mollie. A shy girl who's heart was broken by her first love. Now meet Zachar...