Chapter 2

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After being dropped out of Mr.Parker's classroom. Mr.Parker himself told me to go find the detention room and go by myself.

It felt weird walking down the school hallway while having no one visible.

As seeing the exit sign from the main office I thought I should make a run for it. But that wouldn't really help my goody two shoes personality. So I thought of just walking miserably to go and find the detention room.

Wait what was the room Mr.Parker said detention was at?


Oh! Where is room 117 at?

Oh, come on!

It's the other way down the hallway!

I turned around walking back the way I started and kept going down the hall.

I don't know what that feeling was in my stomach. I believe excitement, regret don't know! But I do know most of it was anger because not ever did I get a detention and it's not my fault. Not every human being can control their bladder and stomach can they? I don't think so!

This was so irritating. Like was it my fault that dumb Mr.Parker didn't let me go use the bathroom! I stopped at the water fountain thinking I should heal up and drink because I might not be able to go during detention.

But water wasn't enough to ease the weird pain and feeling in my stomach.

So I went to the nearest vending machine and paid $1.50 for a bottle of Ginger Ale. Thinking that it would satisfy my stomach I started wandering around trying to waste a couple minutes of my detention. After what felt like ages but only was 2 minutes I headed out of the small closet I buried myself in a minute ago or so I thought was a minute ago. And went to go find the stupid room.

I looked around looking for the detention room.

This might be the worst day of I, Mollie Jennings life!

I can't even find the stupid detention room!

I went up to the main office ready to ask anyone.

I saw the security guard Mr.Walker and asked, "Um. Excuse me?!"

"What do you want!" Mr.Walker answered.
Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed now didn't they!

"Arghhh!! Anyways, do you perhaps know where the detention room 117 is at?" I muttered.

"Oh will you look at that Ms.Goody two shoes got detention. Anyways I don't care it's right next door!" He chocked out during laughters of his own stupid lame joke!

And once again I slowly looked at the main doors ready to make a run for it.

"And don't even THINK about running away because I will drag your butt right back and get your gorgeous looking self a suspension! Do you understand?" He hissed.

Wait did he just call me gorgeous. EW! Creep alert. Pedo! Help! Help! He's like fucking 40 something. I'm going to tell his wife that the creeper here flirts with girls in a nasty way. Call me whatever you want and think whatever you want! But I'm not stretching the matter! It's just freaky being called that by a 40 something year old man, pedophile whatever he was!

And oh so he's the one who will drag my BUTT back here, well oh no I don't think so. And with that I turned on my heel and walked away feeling disgusted!

Well basically I tried to run because I didn't feel comfortable in his pedo looking eyes!

He did say it was next door but it wasn't. And that's when I was about to knock on the door a janitor came out and I accidentally knocked on his face!

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