Chapter 23

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Z A C H (Zach's P.O.V)

I was in my full senses with what just happened.

No one knows this. But the only reason I broke up with Mollie was because of Roman.

Roman had come up to me during the party.

*During the party*

"Hey Zach. Can you come here for a second?" Roman said putting a hand on my shoulder.

Nodding my head I followed him outside.

"So what's up?" I asked once we got outside in the backyard.

"Okay. I need to tell you something. Okay?! But no need to get mad about it. It's just a part of my plan. You promise you won't freak?" Roman said calmly.

I looked at him a bit confused.

"Promise me!" Roman said slowly.

"I promise!" I muttered back slowly.

"Okay. I'm just going to say it." Roman huffed.

"You need to break up with Mollie!" he said so fast I thought I was hearing things.

"What?!" I yelled.

"You heard right. Break up with her."

"Why the fuck would I break up with the most amazing girl ever?" I screamed.

"Because I heard Mollie talking to Alexis about Gabriel!" Roman told me.

"About what?" I asked slowly.

"About how she wanted to become friends. And how she felt that your relationship with her is going down."

"Why would she think that?"

Roman just shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay. Let's say I do break up with her. What's that going to do?"

Roman looked at me smiling.

"That's where Gabriel comes in. He will take the advantage of a heartbroken girl. He will try to get closer to Mollie and Mollie will think it's a friendly gesture. And that's what Gabriel wants. Once he lures Mollie in his trap. He will fulfill his deed. And I know that you know what 'deed' means!" Roman explained.

I was a bit confused but then understand what 'deed' meant.

"That filthy bastard." I screamed.

"I just want Mollie to realize that Gabriel isn't good for her. So you in for it!" Roman asked eagerly.

I was a bit hesitant but agreed anyways.

"Yes!" Roman smiled.

"Okay. I need the plan in action in about an hour."

"Excuse me!" I said shocked.

"Yeah. You need to break up with Mollie tonight." Roman said and left.

What the hell have I gotten myself into!

*Back to the present*

So yes! That was Roman's genius plan.

I just hope it does work.


M O L L I E (Mollie's P.O.V)

Why would he do this to me?

Did he find a better girl than me?

No. No. That can't be possible.

Or can it?

Why Zach? Why?

I loved you so much and in return you dump me for God knows what reason.

I heard a knock on the door and Gabriel peaked his head from the door.

When he saw my teary face he quickly ran to my bed and wrapped me in a hug.

And with that I burst into sobs.

"Shhh. Mollie. What happened?" Gabriel whispered to me.

"Za-Zach. He-He dumped me!" I sobbed.

"What the fuck? I can't fucking believe this! Where the fuck is he! I'm going to beat his sorry ass!" He yelled.

He quickly got up but I grabbed onto his wrist before he left my room.

"Don't. Just don't. I don't think anyone should deal with him. I just want to know why he left me. When all I did was love him!" I whispered.

Gabriel looked so pissed but calmed down and sat back on my bed.

"What can I do to help?" He asked.

I just nodded my head.

"Nothing. I don't think anyone can pick up the pieces of my broken heart!" I replied with one tear rolling down my face.

G A B R I E L (Gabriel's P.O.V)

When Mollie told me Zach had dumped her. It made things for me even easier.

I wasn't expecting it to be this soon and I couldn't have been more happier.

And now I could put my plan in action.

Pay backs a bitch.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey My Purple Minions.


I know I still haven't pointed out what Gabriel's plan is but it will be coming up in the next chappie.

We're almost close too 500 reads.

Say what now?😱

And we have 40 votes so thank you😘

Y'all are so lovely😘

I know this chappie is short. Sorry😐
But I started chapter 24 so might update that tonight.

23 chapters. I can't believe I've gotten this far. Even though my book isn't that famous I always have the motivation to keep writing. It's amazing and I know I will be able to enjoy finishing my book.

All that jazz.🎶
^That would be highly appreciated.

Thank you💋


That's a wrap. One love and peace


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