Chapter 30

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Z A C H (Zach's P.O.V)

To tell you honestly, I was dying in the car.

Chris made small talk here and there. But, Mollie just stared out the window.

He had given up talking two hours ago.

I had checked the clock and saw it was 3:32 a.m.

"Chris." I whispered, trying to get his attention. My eyes were closed so when he didn't answer I opened them.

Chris was nodding his head to some music in his Beat headphones.

Groaning, I got up and reached to pull off his Beats.

"Hey!" He screamed, looking at me instead of the road.


Chris looked at the road and we were almost hit by a truck coming from the opposite side.

Mollie instantly shot up.

"Ahhhh!" She screamed, holding the dashboard.

Chris swerved to the side, before we got hit.

"You mother fucker. We almost got killed!" I yelled.

"It wasn't my fault. The dumbass was driving on the wrong side of the road." He muttered, looking at me.

"Can you please look at the road!" Mollie croaked.

She laid her head back on the seat and dose off again.

"Chris." I whispered.


"How long until we get home?" I asked, yawning.

"Four maybe three hours." He whispered.

I nodded my head and closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Zach." Someone said, pushing me.

"Zach!" Someone screamed again.

"What? Let me sleep." I whined.

Someone pinched me so hard.

"Yikes!" I yelled, opening my eyes and rubbing my arm.

Chris was standing there, smirking.

I growled at him and rubbed my eyes.

Chris had walked away. When I looked at the passenger seat, Mollie was still sleeping.

I checked the clock and it read 6:26 a.m. I gently shook Mollie and she muttered something. I had to shake her again and she finally got up. She rubbed her eyes and got out of the car.

I wanted to talk with her and see if we can work something out so I followed her. Mollie turned her head and saw me following. So she sped up and walked faster. I jogged next to her and stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Yo Zach! Come on!" Chris yelled from our door step.

"I'm coming! Go!" I yelled back.

I looked back at Mollie and said, "Mollie I was wondering if we can..."

"Just stop Zach!" Mollie said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing can get better between us. You left. And I moved on." She yelled.

When she said those words it felt like she stabbed my heart with a knife.

We just stood there for a while. I was looking at the ground.

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