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8:15 am "awe crap school starts at 8:30 and I just woke up " I get dressed quickly and put a messy bun in I look in the mirror "OH HEY I look good😏😏"
         This is what I had on ⬇️

8:15 am "awe crap school starts at 8:30 and I just woke up " I get dressed quickly and put a messy bun in I look in the mirror "OH HEY I look good😏😏"         This is what I had on ⬇️

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I think I looked good

I grab my phone off my bed I grab my backpack and I say"bye mom ", "have a good day at school" she said. I walked out of my house and I see Justin "hey Justin" I call out for him he looks back "oh hey mel" he says smiling I walk up to him "I'm really nervous " I say " it's okie here let me see your schedule" I take out my schedule and hand it to him "we have all the same classes" he smiles at me "wow I'll be seeing by our more often then" I say "yea we will " I start blushing "you wanna meet my brothers?" He said "yes I'd love to "okie let's sit together at lunch you can also met my boyfriend " I Almost stared screaming " o-o-o-K-ka-Kay okay"I say "I might breakup with him"he says "I have a crush on someone else anyway"

                Justin's pov

"Does she know I like her oh god "I thought to myself "I love you mel" . "Justin " she says "yea what's up"I say as nice as I can "I li-li-li-" she says "what?" I say "I like you no I love you !! . Justin Justin Justin" then I woke up" nooo" I yell "what Justin no ?". my face turned red "are we in art class" I ask "yes " mel said " oh Regan is in this class.. stay here" I walk over to Regan "I'm sorry but I need to do this"I say "do what ?" He has a sad look on his face "look I love you but..-" I say "oh well one last love you " I look him in the eyes "no I'm sorry Regan goodbye " my eyes water up "teacher I'm going to the office" I run out I close the door I sat down and put my head down I start crying the door opens I look up an angel is standing there " hey Justin are you OK ?" She sits next to me " yea-no I'm not I'm in love with someone and I don't think she likes me and I just broke up with Regan " I say as I start sobbing "Justin I want to tell you something" mel says "o --K " I say I dry off my face she hugs me "Justin I love you I'm not just saying that I want to marry you and I love you"

* sorry for the short chapter *

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