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Mel's pov

I walk over to Justin's house and I open the door.
And I close it very gently and I walk up the stairs to Justin's room. I open the door and his room is dimly lit with a few fairy lights and some candles. "Hey Justin" I say "oh hey Mel" he says. I walk completely into his room and shut the door behind me, and I go and sit on his bed. He was facing towards the window looking away from me. I put my hands on his shoulders and say "hey are you okay baby?" 
He turns around crying and he said "no I'm so happy you came over when you did". We are now facing each other and he grabs my hand "Mel you are so beautiful and I love you as much as anyone could love a person" he said "I love you too what's wrong?"
I ask. "Well Danny he said that if we date or anything like that he said he would hurt you". "Oh my Justin I don't think he would hurt me it's okay no need to cry ". I wipe away his tears and lean my head on his shoulder/chest. "Everything will be alright as long as I have you " I say to Justin.

Justin's pov

"I want you a lot not just sexually but I mean I want you to be mine" I say to Mel "I would love to be yours and I really want to be yours, and if we are not worried about Danny then we will date right here right now" Mel says. "Okay Mel would you do me the honors of dating me again"I ask Mel "of course why would I say no"Mel said. And she hugged me the hardest anyone had ever hugged someone.
She let go and laid down on my bed and got under the covers and said "if you don't mind I'm going to sleep here tonight". "Of course I don't care babe"

                      *time skip to morning *

Mel's pov

I wake up with the sun shining through the window and killing my eyes but everything was okay because Justin was holding me. And I look over at him and I realize he wasn't sleeping but he was Snapchating me sleeping. "Justin stoppp" I say and cover his phone camera. And he replied with "but your so so so so beautiful baby". "Shut up put your phone down and kiss me" So we kiss and it was so romantic. I get up and out of bed and I say "I'm going to run home clean myself up change and grab some more clothes and I'll stay over here for a while and I will figure things out about my house and money and all that.

*time skip to when I get home *

I open my door and I walk up stairs into my room I close and lock my door and walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror and saw that I have hickeys all over my neck

I open my door and I walk up stairs into my room I close and lock my door and walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror and saw that I have hickeys all over my neck

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This is what I grabbed to wear for the day  and I grew on some Huda beauty liquid lipstick and put that on and let my hair be free after brushing it.

This is the rest of what I packed

This is the rest of what I packed

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These are items that I packed

Theses are the clothes
Outfit 1

Theses are the clothes Outfit 1

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Outfit 2

Pajamas 1&2

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Pajamas 1&2

(Now I'm not saying they are going to do it) Bonus outfit

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(Now I'm not saying they are going to do it)
Bonus outfit

(Now I'm not saying they are going to do it) Bonus outfit

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(A little a.n. I have been super super busy I'm really really sorry for not writing in a long time I plan to post way more and I made a posting plan type thing
| I plan to post one new chapter of this story on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday| thanks for putting up with me❤️😘)

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