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Justin's pov

"Don't move or I'll shoot" Danny said. "Hey Danny stop put the gun down" Mel said scared out of her mind. "No why should I" he said "because Danny we need you to stop acting crazy and just talk with us" I said " why should I do that" he said and Mel started walking towards Danny "STOP OR ILL DO IT MEL" Danny said "no Danny!" Mel screamed and grabbed his hand with the gun in it and pointed it to her instead of Danny's head. "Don't you dare kill yourself Danny how would it feel it I was dead. Huh Danny shoot me do it. " Mel yells at Danny "you want to see what it's like to loose everything you have. Because I promise your life is 100% better than mine right now." She says before Danny can say anything "Mel I will not shoot you" Danny says " huh why not Justin do you think of me as a helpless little girl who can't do anything on her own...what about you Danny. BOTH of my parents are dead BOTH OF THEM." She yells again now sobbing with her hand still pointing the gun at herself. She yanks the gun out of Danny's hand.

She puts it up to her head and starts laughing. "It could all end right now all my pain and suffering."
She says. "STOP" I screamed. "Please put the gun down Mel we need you" Danny said "if you needed me then why do that to the person I love, and Justin why did you do everything you have for me, I'm useless." Mel said and then. She put the gun down and she waited for two seconds and asked Danny "how many bullets are in here". "Just the one" Danny replied. "Okay..." she said then shot the one bullet into the floor. She dropped the gun and she ran downstairs and locked the door.

Mel's pov

I ran downstairs and locked the door and I thought that if I could get there to the joints then I could smoke them and feel better. I had three in total, and the one I was smoking earlier I only got half way done with it. So I picked it up and re lit it and smoked away. I heard them yelling for me telling me everything is okay. And i sat there trying to feel better. By then I was already on the third one I was already high as high could get. Then i herd Justin say something and he didn't know I heard him. He said "all I want to do is have a good time and a good relationship with the person I love"

(Quick a.n. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a minute but busy summer and now that I'm heading to school I'll be posting a lot more and I know this doesn't have the most reads but it doesn't matter. I just know I'm putting out content that I'm proud of and I don't care what anyone thinks☺️)

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