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It is now 5:30 December 24 the

Christmas tree lit up the whole living room

Danny's pov

Mel went to under tree "hey  daddy"she said "yes baby" I said "I got you a present

"I look down oh my FRICK it's the whole manga of attack on Titan ,I got you some presents baby " I said

Mels pov

I look at it it's two things "awe thanks daddy" I say "open them first then thank me " Danny said "good deal"I said

I open a small bag "it's so cute it's a backdrop" and then the next best is huge box and I open it "OH MY GOD ITS A CAMERA AND A TRI POD AND A MIC DAMN YOU SPENT A LOT OF MONEY" I screamed"yeah I did" Danny said

"Hey Daddy I wuv you"I said
"I love you too baby remember we've got tomorrow from Santa also"

"He's gonna give you a great present "I say "oh sweet"Danny said
Danny's pov

We go into the kitchen "let's make cookies" I say "okay let's daddy " mel said "yes let's baby gurl"I say

  Mels pov

"He was so cute was I mean is" I thought "I love what he looks like right now

"I love you more than anything Danny Blake"I thought

*my phone starts to ring*

(Background Info about Mels mom she was in los Vegas for a trip with her friends)

"It's my mom ,Danny just hold on " I say

M for mel
P for person who is talking to mel

M:you don't sound like my mom
M:is there something wrong
P: I'm sorry bu-
M: did something happen to my mom
M:good or bad
*my eyes turn glossy*
P:I'm afraid to tell you bu-but your mother is no longer swimming with the fishes
M:my mom is DEAD
P:I'm afraid so
*I start to ball crying*
*I run up to my room *

"WAIT!" Danny yelled

Mels pov

He yelled "wait " for me I ran up to my room *she forgot to lock the bedroom door*

I ran into my bathroom and sat on the floor *Danny ran up after me * "mel don't do it " Danny said "I'm sorry Danny" I say
*I open the door*
He see the blood on my arm it's only o-o-ne

Danny's pov

"She only did one cut" I grab the razor blade off the counter " what are you doing" mel asked. "What you did to me " I say

I hold the razor blade to my arm *my eyes water up * "You mean so much to me mel is that not enough " I say starting to cry

*I made about the same size and depth of her cut on my arm*

*I grab her into my arms *"let's get cleaned up and go downstairs and make some cookies okay" I say "o-okay daddy"

She climbed on my back and we walked down stairs

"Cookie time " mel yelled "yasss slay qeuuen"I said in a girly voice

"Danny who am I going to live with I don't want to live alone or in a foster home" mel said almost crying again

"We will figure that out "I said to her in a very calm voice

"We?" She said "yes we ,it may come to me moving in with you or you moving in with me "I said to mel

Mels pov

I pulled myself into his chest he raped his arms around me "But um Justin" I said to Danny

"Well I just don't know,"I said . "Can Damon come over" Danny asked me

"Of course he can , and is it okay If I call him slaymon "I said in reply to his question. " lol sure baby gurl" Danny said

"Yay"I jumped up and down in excitement                                          
* time skip to wean Damon is here*


*the door bell rings *
" I'll get it " i say. I open the door and its Damon " hey Damon,so remember my friend on FaceTime she's here" I say. " oh cool wait.. wait.. wait....she is that the girl that Justin was-" Damon said as I cut him off" don't say anything about Justin unless she brings him up please ". " okay whatever don't want to piss off your girlfriend " Damon said "SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND I wish though " I say. "Is she hot though " " UGH DAMON!!"I said
" OHH DAMONS HERE YAY" *she jumps off the couch and sprints to the door* . Panting she said " hello Slaymon my name is *pant * Mel "
" hey I'm Damon nice to meet you, and might I add you are a total babe " * Mel starts to blush * " thanks , um you can come in we were about to make cookies "


"Holy shit she's so hot" I whisper to Danny as Mel walks to her room " sorry guys I've got to change its to hot in here" Mel says

Mel's POV

As I walk upstairs I start to decide what to wear "now I want to look nice but I want to look sexy for Danny because I'm asking him out tomorrow as a present but I saw Damon looking at me ...whatever my house" I thought
This is what I want ended up in

I walk downstairs "holy shit hard work " I say  the boys look over also, but fab af "holy shit looking fine" Danny said " okay are we going to make cookies or no?" I asked . "Oh hell yes we are" Damon says "stop looking at my butt Slaymon  " I say turned away from him" damn her BOOTAH is fucking the shit" Damon says to Danny " bro I know and I can tap that if I wanted " danny said " YOU Aren't  TAPPING NOTHING  DANNY BLAKE " I said in playful tone ,"but Damon can ; I wink at him ;HA JUST KIDDING "

I grab the cookie dough out of the fridge and I grab a non stick pan and a spoon "guys want to help me "I say "yeah " Damon and Danny say together

Someone walked up behind me and pushed their crotch area into my butt I turned around and it was Damon "damn chill out, wait were did Danny go " I said "he went to the bathroom "Damon said. I turned my whole body around and our hips are together me goes to kiss me and I turn my head so he can't kiss me "go ask Danny if this is okay "

"I run downstairs the cookies are ready "I say
" oh great "they say together
"Hey Damon do you want to spend the night ?"
"Sure "Damon said


( a.n. I updated this part by request so here you go ❤️)

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