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Mels pov
"I love you" I said he looked up at me and said "mel will you do me the honor of being my girlfr-","yes yes I would love to " I say cutting him off "c'mon and dry your face off we've got drawing to do"I say to Justin he jumps up okay let's do this.

We walk into the classroom and the bell rings. we both run to get our stuff "to class!" We both say together. I grab his hand I whisper"Justin mother fucking Blake I love you" "mel mother fucking Martinez I love you more" I put my head on his shoulder. He said "my brothers are in our next class " "YAY!!" I screamed everyone looked at me weird "okay then " I said.

I love her so much, we got to our next class and we stood in the doorway she looked at me and our eyes met she tip toes and kissed me , it took me a moment to figure out what was happening then I kissed back "I love you so much " I said "MR BLAKE AND MS MARTINEZ YOU GUYS WILL BE LATE IF YOU DONT SIT DOWN" our teacher said .mel blushed . The only seats left were two in the back corner in the back of the row . "Yes!"me and mel say .

*time skip to December 20th*

Mels pov

Text convo- Justin and mel
J= Justin m=mel

J :hey
J:wanna go out with me for our 3 month anniversary
J:pick you up in 20
Text convo over

I got ready and I run downstairs "Justin you said In twenty"
"Hehehe" Justin said .

We got to the park and I saw the cutest thing it was winter so there is snow and ice and Justin set up a freken picnic.
I sat down we were talking and Justin said "I hope your dad doesn't kill me ?"

"What the fuck" I said I tear rolled down my cheek "I have to go I'm sorry" I said sobbing

I ran home..or I tried "hey mel you okay" I heard someone say in a sweet voice

I walk up to him "Danny" I say still crying "yes baby gurl "
" I don't wanna anymore " I said "wanna do what" Danny put his arms around my waist and pulled me into him "I can't ..I can't "I whispered on repeat

"Danny can I call you daddy" I said into his shoulder you can call me whatever you want "thanks daddy "
"No problem now are you okay "
"I think so okay go home now and Justin is coming and he doesn't look that happy with me bye baby girl"
"Bye daddy" I shout so Justin can hear me Justin growls

*flash back *

A man's voice said "he was confirmed dead this morning" "NOO DAD he's gone ..." I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my razor and held it to my wrist "one for one being not worth your own dad,one for later one for being a useless slut one because your mom hates you and one for all of your dreams that won't come true....stop mom I'm doing something "

*flash back over*

I walked into my bathroom and washed my face
I picked up my phone *which now had a crack in it *
I turned it on 50 text messages from Justin

I called Danny
(D for Danny m for mel)
D:hey what's up baby girl
D:why were you crying
M:Justin said something about my dad
M:my dads dead
D:oh my god
M:he died one year ago today and that pushed me over and the edge
D:oh hey baby I'll come over with food okay
M:okay and can you tell Justin
D:yes okie love you baby girl
M:love you too daddy

Text convo over

*side note Danny and mel are not in a relationship their just friends just so you dont get confused*

Five minutes later

Danny's pov

"Why did you say you loved her Danny " Justin screamed "because I do now if you mind I need to go comfort someone that you hurt I may or mayn't be back" I said in the calmest voice ever

I got to Mels house I opened the door "hey baby girl you okay" she was sitting on the couch with the blinds closed and and she was on Hulu looking for something to watch
"Thanks for coming over daddy "I said
"Anything for baby princess "...
Mels pov

"He called me princess "I thought "dose he like me " I turned around. and I screamed "fucking 707 slay daddy, why did you do this for me "

"I knew this would cheer you up " Danny said "it did ,did you tell Justin " I said worried "I tried "
"What do you mean you tried "I said
"He started yelling at me "Danny said
"Oh...what do you wanna watch...I suggest criminal minds " I said
"Yes I love this show" Danny said he gives out two bid bags of hot Cheetos "I love you so much daddy Danny "
"I love you to my baby mel "

"Hey princess can i stay the night for a few days night"Danny said

"Sure my moms always gone so yea and she's about of state"
Danny smiles "YAY!" We watched television the I fell asleep on Danny

*time skip 4 days*
Danny's pov

"She fell asleep on me she looks so beautiful and cute I love her so much I want her to be mine "
"Tomorrow I'll proclaim my love to  her " I thought then I drifted off to sleep

                    * The next morning December 24 *

Mels pov

I workup to the death note theme song and on Danny it was dark in the house no lights on I got up to make sure not to wake up Danny I went to the bathroom then I came back and Danny's watching Tokyo ghoul I look at Danny he was on his phone * it's an phone 6s* "merry Christmas baby gurl " Danny said "happy Christmas DADDY" I said to Danny

I snuggled back up to him. He said "here baby girl "and put a blanket on us and put his phone down and focused on the TV "daddy can I play on your phone "
"Sure " I grab his phone and go on and posted a private me made last night together.

The doorbell rang "I've got it "I said aggravated that I had to get up

"Who is it " Danny said "I don't know" I opened the door "Danny its just my friend I'll be right back "
"Hey mel" lacy says 

*Lacy is the name of  my best friend in the story btw*

"Sorry I just wanted to fracking let you know that you got featured on "

"Oh my god okay Um got to go bye lacy"I say I run in the house and scream" I got fetured" to Danny "Yay my baby girl come sit down you can play on my phone again" Danny said

"Okie daddy"

We didn't move until Danny got a facetime call he answered

Facetime call d for danny ,m for mel ,and da for Damon
Da:who Is that
D:my friend
Da:are you coming to Christmas dinner
M:are you staying with me*she whispered that in Danny's ear*
Da:oh okay then gtg

Facetime call ended

"Here" Danny said handing me his phone " thanks "

I clicked on notes the" last one made was last night WTF" I thought
I read it and it said

Mel means everything to me her smile makes me happy I want her to be my girlfriend and everytime I say I love you I mean it

"I feel the same way "I thought to myself I quickly closed out of the notes

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