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    Hi I'm Mel so I'm 15 and I live in Minnesota
I can be a bit weird

                    The story begins

  I twist the handle "crap!" I say " my moms not home " I should be used to that she works on Fridays "she'll be home soon" I mumble to myself. I take off my shoes and my backpack I run up stairs I grab my phone and I go in my room. I close the door I sit on my bed "Instagram nope ,snapchat nope ,wattpad nope , well I'm lame " I put my phone down " I'm going to take a shower " I grab clothes and a towel. I undress I locked the door. I run water and pop up the thing, and I get in. I grab some shampoo and scrub it in my hair, then I rinsed it out " awe crap my color is fading " i put in conditioner then I hear the front door open , "mom!" I yelled "yeah honey " my mom said in a sweet voice.  " honey I need to tell you exciting news after you get out of the shower". " OKIE MOM!" I yell back. I rinse out the conditioner and washed my body. I tuned off the water and hopped out of the shower, And dried off and got dressed. I run out and Hug my mom she says "we're moving to Anoka honey !" My face fell "what!why?" . "Honey I think you need a change of scenery  and I got a better job down in Anoka " . "At lest there is one or three good things in Anoka" I say "oh and what is that" my mom says " ❤️THE BLAKE BOYS❤️!" I screamed

                *TWO WEEKS LATER*

   "Mom I finished packing!" I said "okay get it in the truck " my mom said I put in my head phones and put my stuff in the truck today was the day we move to Anoka. "Eww gross when was the last time you showered " my mom said " I don't know a week ago " I said . "When we get to our new house you need to shower ". " okie mom " I looked out the window time passed faster I fell asleep "MEL!!", "AHHHHHHHHH! MOM I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT". "Sorry but we're here " I look down at my crappy I phone 5. I turn on the button 5:38 pm " okie mom " I get out of the car and I go to my new room and I un pack my room the bathroom and the living room. My mom unpacks her room the kitchen and the art room. " wow, I'm really proud of my room " I whisper

It's a small house so I get a small room but it's no big deal there is a lot of space compared to my other room . I grab some nice cloths because me and my mom are going to dinner but she has to go to the store first and she just left so I'm gonna shower.
    *5 minutes later*
I get out of the shower *the bathroom door opens and the front door opens* I go to my bed room to get changed I hear a faint "hello " as I lay down on my bed . I open my door and "" My jaw drops " hi I'm your new neighbor " he said " ...hi..." I whisper " my names Justin " . " yeah I know who you are I mean um I fol...I follow you on ... " . " oh yeah" Justin said as he smiled " so I'm not trying to be rude but why are you in my house ?" I say " oh the door was unlocked and I wanted to meet my new neighbors " Justin said in ua very cute voice " oh well it was nice to meet you " . " see you around Mel "
     *after we get back from dinner *
         " how did he know my name ?!?" Oh my god I freaked out I looked at the time it read 10:45 " tomorrow is my first day at my new school whith Justin MOM IM .GOING TO BED LOVE YOU!!" I yell " LOVE YOU TOO SWEETIE " she yells back


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