Tragedy in the smoffice

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It was a casual day in the Smoffice. (The Smosh office).

Olivia and Courtney were on the couch, scrolling through Instagram.

Shayne was on the chair, playing Candy Crush and Keith and Noah were throwing a small, plastic basketball across the room to each other.

"Hey are we shooting anything today?" Noah said, without taking his eyes off of the ball.

"Like, people?" Shayne said, looking up from his phone.

"Can we shoot Joven?" Olivia said.

Noah sighed

"No we're not shooting anything today." Courtney said, looking at Noah.

"Thank you Courtney." Noah said, facing away from the game he was playing with Keith.

"Noah watch out!" Keith yelled as the ball came speeding towards the boy.

Noah span around and slapped the ball before it could inflict any damage on him. Luckily, it didn't hit Noah but it span out of control and hit Courtney in the side of the head. She winced and dropped her phone.

"Courtney!" Shayne said, bolting out of his seat and dropping his phone onto the carpet in the process, the screen shattered and the top left hand corner dented.

Olivia gasped and locked her phone. She immediately grabbed Courtney to make sure she was okay.

Keith and Noah both froze in the moment, looking at each other with their mouths covered.

Courtney looked up, she looked as if she was about to cry but laughed anyway. In unison, the whole squad sighed in relief.

Shayne grabbed his phone, and seeing that it was totally ruined, he went to get it repaired.

"You're going now?" Noah said.

"Yeah." Shayne said back.

"Like, right now?" Olivia said with a puzzled look on her small, pretty face.

"I can't go five minutes with a broken phone." Shayne said as he left.

"Oh I'm starving." Keith said.

"Me too bro." Noah said

"Oh I could destroy a chipotle right now." Olivia said pulling an orgasm face. "Could you two boys be dears and go get one for me?" She said, smiling innocently.

"Sure, why not?" Keith said in a tired voice.

"Later Liv Liv." Noah said as he and Keith left the room.

Courtney hadn't spoke for the past few minutes.

"Bb are you alright?" Olivia said.

"Hm? Me? I'm fine."

"Hmph. Ok. I'm going to the rest room." Olivia said, standing up and leaving. "I'll be back in a few."


Olivia walked into the office saying something about Anthony but stopped speaking when she realised there was no audience. Courtney was gone.

"Courtney? Courtney! Courtney!" Olivia shouted as she ran around the building, her hands cupped around her mouth.

She ran out of the doors into the parking lot and heard a car tyres screech.


Shayne walked into the shop named "WeFixPhonez"

"Hmph. Original."

He slammed his phone down on the counter and asked for a screen replacement.

The man behind the counter looked well into his fifties and was just starting to bald. He was a slightly chubby man and was quite short. He spoke in a strong Irish accent.

"Hmm, let's see. I'd say that'd be around $65.00." The chubby, balding man said.

Shayne sighed and got out his wallet. He was just about to give the man the money when his phone started ringing.

A very derpy picture of Olivia showed up on Shayne's screen so he picked it up.

Shayne's eyes lit up in fear and without a word, he let his phone fall and smash fully off of the shop floor.

He ran outside and was about to get into his car but seeing the immense amount of traffic, he decided not to. This was an emergency after all.

He sprinted around the corner and down the street as fast as his muscled legs could carry him.

He pushed past tens of people and even knocked over a few people, he felt really bad  but he knew Cinderella needed her Prince Charming.

Wait. Did he just say that? Surely not. He and Courtney had been best friends for ages. He couldn't be in love with her.

Or could he?

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