Broken Beauty

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(A.N. Hi I just wanted to say that I'm British so if you're confused at something I say, it's probably just me accidentally writing British things instead of American. Thanks!)

Keith and Noah were walking home from chipotle (it was just round the corner from the Smoffice) when Keith's phone started ringing.

He picked it up and his mouth immediately dropped. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and started running, trying not to drop the chipotle in the process.

"Keith?" Noah said, fully stopping.

Keith just kept running "It's Courtney!" He said whilst panting.

"shit." Noah said under his breath as he started running too.

They ran along the sidewalk (I had to think about that one) doing their best not to drop the chipotle.

The Smoffice came into view but so did bright flashing lights. Sirens filled their ears. They slowed down as they were very tired and couldn't run for any longer, they still walked quickly though.

As they slowed down, they were almost knocked over.

"Woah!" Noah said.

"What the?" Keith said.

They looked in front of them to see what had almost knocked them over. It was Shayne, sprinting as fast as he could.

"Jesus, he's going fast." Keith said with an amazed look on his face.

"The phone shop is twelve miles away." Noah said with an even more amazed look on his face.

Keith and Noah slowly turned their heads to face each other and smiled.

In unison they said,

"Shayne likes Courtney."


Shayne was dripping with sweat and was panting like a dog by the time he reached the building. But, nevertheless, he acted as if there was nothing wrong with him in this moment in time. Courtney was his main priority right now.

There were paramedics everywhere. Shayne couldn't find anyone he knew so he got scared. He started crying, not knowing the fate of his best friend and possible love interest.

"No. Stop Shayne. Your best friend could be dead, and all you can think of is how beautiful she is? With her gorgeous blonde locks and her stunning smile. Nothing could beat her eyes though. Her eyes were so incredib- Shayne. You're doing it again." He said to himself.

"Shayne!" He heard a female shout.

He span around and saw Olivia running towards him, makeup streaming down her face.

"Where is she?" Shayne said without even waiting for Olivia to speak.

"In the ambu-" Shayne pushed past Olivia and sprinted to the ambulance.

Olivia stood there, shocked that Shayne had just cut her off and pushed past her.

Keith and Noah ran up to Olivia, breathing so heavily that they could've been having a heart attack and she wouldn't have known.

"I still have no idea what's going on." Noah said through pants.

"It's Courtney." Olivia said.

"I know that, I just don't know what happened to her." Noah said again, taking less deep breaths this time, and going more or less back to normal.

"The ball must've gave her concussion or something because she wondered out into the parking lot without even telling anyone, and was hit with a car." Olivia said, gradually crying more as she spoke.

"Where were you?" Noah said.

"The restroom." Olivia said through whimpers.

"Don't worry Liv Liv." Keith said, hugging Olivia. "Everything's going to be fine."

Noah joined in the hug. The three were stood in the middle of the parking lot, hugging.


When Shayne reached the ambulance, the back doors were open. So he jumped in.

There were no paramedics about but laid there, on a stretcher, was the broken beauty herself.

Shayne rushed over to her as soon as he saw her sleeping form (at least he hoped she was sleeping).

"Hey Court." Shayne said, brushing his hand through her hair. She didn't wake up.

Shayne put his two fingers on her neck to check her pulse. After a few seconds of panicking because he couldn't find one, a beat rippled on his fingers. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Excuse me sir, I'm going to have to ask you to get out of the vehicle." A paramedic said upon seeing Shayne in the back of the ambulance.

"Please." Shayne said through tears.

The man looked at Shayne for a second.

"Alright, I'll let you stay in the back until we get to the hospital. Alan here will have to ride along with you though."

"Yes that'd be great! Thanks a bunch." Shayne said.

A few minutes passed before a bald man with a brown moustache and beard got in the back of the ambulance with Shayne and the broken beauty.

"Hello. My name is Alan."

"Yeah I guessed. Thanks for letting me stay in the back with her. It really means a lot." Shayne said as he held Courtney's hand.

"Ah don't mention it." Alan said, smiling.

Shayne smiled back as the vehicle started moving.


The three pulled away from the hug and a few minutes later, the ambulance drove off with Courtney in the back.

"Hey the ambulance is leaving." Noah said.

"Where's Shayne?" Olivia said looking at the ambulance. "I told him that Courtney was in the back and I haven't seen him since.

"Hold on. I'll call him."
Keith said, pulling out his phone.

The phone rang a few times and when it was finally picked up, a strong Irish accent bellowed down it.

"Helooo!" The man on the other side said.

"The f*ck" Kieth said, pulling the phone a little bit away from his face to stop himself from going deaf. He put it on speaker.

"Shayne?" Noah said to the phone.

"Fredric actually." The Irishman said.

"Ummm, where is Shayne?" Olivia said.

"Shayne? I don't know any Shaynes"

"Why do you have his phone?" Keith said.

"I don't ha- oh right, the muscly chap who left his phone here earlier?"

"Why didn't you know that we were ta-"

Beep beep beep

Keith had ended the phone call before Olivia had gotten too annoyed.

"Dude I rarely get pissed but that guy." Noah said. "That guy."


"What lovely people"


Shayne kneeled down in the ambulance next to the unconscious form of his best friend.

"Listen, I know we've been through thick and thin together." Shayne said quietly. "But I want you to know, I'll be there whenever you need me. Every step of the way. I'll cross cities, countries, continents for you Courtney. I'll do whatever you require me to do. Do you know why? Because I love you." And he kissed her. Ever so slightly, on her soft lips.

When he did this, her eyes opened slightly. She looked at Shayne and smiled.


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