Here goes nothing!

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I wake up feeling refreshed. I turned off my alarm as I wasn't needed for my job until 9pm tonight. I check my phone and see that it's 10am. This is the latest I have slept in for a while. Due to my long nap with Murray I wasn't tired when I got home.

I decided to go down to my work room in the basement to start on the board for Angus when I got back last night. I haven't decided on what to draw on the bottom of it yet but thought I could start the foundations. I spent time glueing the face, core layer and cross band venners together in the right sequence and then set it to press in the machine. There was nothing much I could do until it had set for the next couple of days so I came back up the stairs and watched Iron Man so that I knew what had happened so I could tell Murray we could move on to the next one and be able to talk to him about it.

The guys had spent time texting me and it was after 1am before I went to my bed. Elijah had messaged to say goodnight so I hope that meant he was okay after whatever happened last night.

I've decided to ignore the box sitting on my kitchen counter until later on so I don't have to over think my assignment tonight, although I am intrigued as to what is in the box as it is a lot bigger than a set of clothes.

Throwing on some comfy jeans and a hoodie I fling my hair up in a messy bun and grab my car keys to head out for a food shop so that I am stocked up for the rest of the week depending if I have to do anything more after tonight.

I get back around 4pm and decide to message the girls. I don't want to phone them and interrupt them but want to let them know that I'm thinking of them.

Message to 3 recipients: Hey! Just a short message to say that I hope you are doing fine, sleeping well and eating your greens :) I've got an assignment tonight, shock I know but I'm going for a new me haha. B safe xx

I decide to make micro noodles for my dinner so that I have something in my stomach. I hate eating too heavy before a job as you never know how it will go. My phone vibrates and I look to see a message.

Sang: Hi! All good here, North is making sure I eat all my green :) That's so good that you have taken a job. I'm proud of you. One step at a time but try to enjoy yourself as well don't get bogged down with work. Xx

Lake: hey you! All quiet here. The girls are taking good care of me. B safe on your assignment. Don't do anything crazy. Xx

Kayli: hey! Fucking busy here. So many stories to tell you already. Don't do anything I wouldn't do on your job so basically that leaves anything up for grabs ;) oh and I know you have seen the Holburn Team so u better get your flirt on! xx

Smiling at their check in's I sit down and watch the news while eating my noodles. They taste horrendous after the creamy cheesy goodness Matteo made last night. Deciding to try out the flirting Kayli spoke about but from a safe distance I open up my camera on my phone and put it on a selfie mode. I hold up my pot of noodles making a disgusted face and write the caption 'these will never taste the same after your cooking :(' and send it to Matteo. I get up dumping the rest of them in the bin and grab a muffin from the cupboard and head for a shower.

When I come out there's a picture message from Matteo. I open it to see him covering his eyes with one hand and the comment 'I don't ever want to see you eating that rubbish again >:( I will need to give you some cooking lessons :)' xx

Me to Matteo: I think lessons are a must :) xx

I throw my phone on my bed and head through to the living room to finally check out the box. Lifting the lid I look inside and find an old CD player with a note attached to it.

There are three songs on this cd then it will start to record. Leave it running after it stops but remember to lift it before you leave!

There are some listening devices that will record for 24hrs then drop off and turn to powder. Try and attach these to anyone or anything you can in there and don't worry about getting them back.

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