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Oh my god my head is killing me! So is my neck, infact my whole body feels like I've been in the ring for a few rounds with Mike Tyson. I roll onto my side to try and stretch out and realise that I'm not in my bed. What the hell??

I sit up quickly and realise that I'm sitting on a disgusting looking couch, I'm sure it use to be maybe blue but now looks like a washed out green colour and the smell now that it's invading my senses makes me want to gag. I look down at myself and see I'm still in my dress from the ball and breath a small sigh of relief but I can't get my foggy brain to remember what exactly happened and where I am.

"There's my sunshine" a gravelly voice comes from behind me and my body runs cold and now I definetly could be sick. No!! It can't be?! I try to calm my racing heart and pretend that I've not heard him. I subtly feel for my gun and my heart speeds up at the realisation that it's still there. Thank god! I move slowly to press inside my ear for the hearing device but it's no longer there. "It's gone" he says closer this time and I want to kick myself for allowing him to get so close by being distracted. My body needs to start working  properly soon or there's no way I'm getting out of here.

I stand up and turn slowly and as I do, I notice that Harry is lying on the ground with blood coming from his head. There doesn't seem to be enough around him to be fatal but definitely one that could be causing damage. I focus on him knowing the man standing close to me isn't in any rush to carry out whatever he has planned. That's not his style. So I take the time to see if Harry is still breathing by watching from where I am, waiting for his chest to rise and fall which after a couple of seconds and a fair bit of focusing I'm able to see. Phew! One less thing to have to worry about right now.

I steel myself and try to hide my emotions from my face. I'm surprisingly calm right now but I don't know if that's the shock or the fact my body isn't my own fully yet. I try to take stock of what I've got to defend myself and try to not be too obvious to try and see where the exits are. From what I can gather there's only one large door to the back of the deserted warehouse and a smaller door closer to where I am just now. My gun is still strapped to my thigh and that's all I've got to work with at the moment.

Knowing I can't stall any longer I turn towards him fully and his face instantly turns to a cocky smirk. My heart starts to pound in my chest and I feel my heartbeat in ears, making my eyes fuzzy. My body begins to shake and I try to breath slower through my nose to calm myself and keep my mind clear. I'm getting out of here alive and away from him! I try to tell myself. "There she is" he coos coming closer and I begin to take stock of him to try and get a handle on what on earth is going on here!

He's wearing a black tux with a black shirt and silver tie that is a definite upgrade from his dirty and holy jeans that were not designed that way and stained white T-shirt's. Any suit he wore before would of been ill fitting and usually for a funeral or to court. His auburn hair is gelled backwards and greying on the side. He seems to have been taking better care of himself and has lost his gut but the main thing that I notice about him is his left eye is cloudy with a scar through it but apart from that he's the same as before and I can feel my blood begin to boil with anger!

"Hello Dad" I say neutrally and I'm quite proud of myself for not allowing my voice to sound weak or scared. His smile is that of a shark and I notice he's had his teeth done too. Dick! "Long time no see" I say trying to act more confident than I am and want to see if I can push him to act.

"I've actually seen quite a lot of you over the last month" he say circling me as I follow him with my eyes. He comes and stands behind me and I feel him lean against my back and take a sniff of my hair causing me to shiver. I swipe him away with my hand but he catches my wrist and squeezes it. I twist my body so that I can face him and brake his hold shaking him off. "Did you like my post card?" He asks pulling out a lollipop from his back pocket and pops it into his mouth raising his eyebrow at me. Postcard? "Imagine my surprise when this wee shit comes to visit me spouting off about some wee slut he's tapping and starts to show a picture on his phone of the two of you." He says gesturing towards where Harry is lying. "I mean I had to have a good look at it to make sure it was you since you decided to put contacts in and are obviously older than the last time I seen you but your mother shines out of you" he says stroking the side of my face and I slap his hand away "feisty like her too" he says with a humourless laugh.

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