Cooking Lesson

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I don't know how long we have been lying here but there's no way Charlotte is going back to sleep. She said it was a memory and not a nightmare so I know she is crying because of her past. I've been holding her tight to me stroking her hair trying to let her know I am here but I don't want to make her talk if she doesn't want to. She's trying to hide her tears from me but I don't want to pretend that I don't know.

"Beautiful, do you want to talk about it?" I ask sensitively letting her know it's up to her. She starts to sniffle and I continue to stroke her hair kissing her head but she doesn't answer.

When she had come back in to bed earlier and I pulled her close felling her warm soft skin all I wanted to do was remove any barriers from us and get lost in her but I knew she wasn't ready for that. I still felt tipsy so I knew she was definitely still under the influence as she had more than me so it would of been unfair of me to move too fast when she wasn't thinking clearly but when she brought my face back to hers and kissed me strongly I nearly gave in to my need to be with her. The way her body felt below mine and her pelvis and core grinding on me nearly tipped me over the edge. I've never felt that way before and I've been with more woman than i'd like to share.

Kissing her was unbelievable. She tasted sweet like honey and I can feel my mouth salivating at the thought of doing it again. Ever since the moment I looked into those golden eyes when I caught her before she fell I've wanted to taste her in more ways than one. She pulls at me in ways I can explain. The pain and sadness I seen in her eyes called to me on another level and now that beautiful golden dress girl is lying in my arms and I'm beginning to see some of that sadness.

"Charlotte. Let me help you. Let me take some of your sadness." I ask knowing I would do anything to stop her hurting. She turns in my arms more and buries her face right into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and stroke her back. She continues to cry and sniffle into my chest and it takes everything in me not to get angry with not knowing what's going on.

Maybe one of the other guys would be better at this than me? She basically told me she likes us all would that be enough for Quintin to let us tell her what we want? To let her know she can have us all and we all want her. That we want to all be there for her and help her heal? Probably not, he would want her to actually tell us not go on what I think she means.

"Do you want one of the others?" I ask giving her the option. Maybe she doesn't trust me enough?

"No!" She says panicked grabbing at my chest. "I was dreaming about my mother and father. It was the last time I seen my mother alive and the event that made me determined to run away from Florida" she says obviously wanting to tell me something but not everything.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask hoping she will open up to me.

She's quiet for a long time and I'm nearly giving up on her talking about it but then "I was sixteen and my mother tried to hide me on the roof away from my father and his friend Tom. She obviously knew what they had planned and didn't want him to find me but instead he found her. When I looked in the window I seen he had my mother by her throat against the wall and her face was red and bloody. He realised I was outside as my mum looked at me and dragged me in by my hair and down the stairs where he threw me into the living room in front of Tom. This greasy disgusting pig of a man who I now know was going to have his way with me in order for my father to clear his debt" I feel myself clenching one hand into the mattress and the other into her hair to hold her close. She shaking and the tears keep coming. The way she told me what happened was almost robotic.

That bastard was going to pimp his sixteen old daughter to pay off a debt? That's disgusting! I'm going to find this man and rip his balls off! "Di-did he touch you?" I barely get the words out through my clenched teeth but I need to know as much as I can. I know he couldn't have raped her as she said she's still a virgin but...

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