Chapter 2

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Bless my eyes. I am soooo glad I opened them. You thought to yourself, looking at whom you presumed to be your kidnapper.

"Well, I'd like to know who you are first." You gulped as his expression darkened.

"Sorry princess but, in my castle we play by my rules, okay?" He asked, still treating you like a child using such immature phrases.

"Tch, listen here Prince Charming, I suggest you let me go before I--"

"Before you what? Beat me up? Oh, darling you think it's just me here? Not to mention you're all tied up." He smiled innocently as a few men emerged from the darker side of the room and crowded around you. He sighed and started the introductions since you were being so stubborn.

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. Happy now?" Namjoon asked slightly irritated.

"Hey, name's Park Jimin." The shortest of them all spoke up. He had silvery lavender hair, plump lips, and a nice body even if he was small.

"The youngest, Jeon Jungkook." The boy next to him said. He had brown hair, bunny teeth, and a muscular build.

"Min Yoongi." A man to the far right said. He had jet black hair, milky white skin, and looked sleep deprived for some reason.

"Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you." A man standing next to Namjoon said. He had blonde hair, large brown eyes, and broad shoulders.

"Hello, I am Jung Hoseok." A man standing next to Jungkook said. He had orange hair, a bright smile, and beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Wait, where's Taehyung?" Namjoon asked looking around the room. Suddenly someone burst into the room panting and breathing heavily.

"Ah, there you are, here, introduce yourself." Namjoon said gesturing towards you.

"Oh, hi, Kim Taehyung." He said as he caught his breath. He had sandy brown hair, tan skin, and a high nose bridge.

"Now, since that's out of the way, it's your turn." Namjoon turned to you.

"____ ____, by the way, how old are all of you?"

"19." Jungkook piped in.

"We're both 20." Jimin said pointing to himself and then to Taehyung.

"We're 22." Namjoon said as he jerked his head towards Hoseok.

"23." Yoongi yawned.

"And I'm the oldest, 24." Seokjin said smiling.

"18, well actually 19." You said correcting yourself. "I was supposed to be celebrating my birthday today but, I guess someone's already ruined that."

"Oh, I wonder who." Hoseok smiled cheerfully. You frowned which made him smile even more.

"Anyways, could you like, let me go?" You asked impatiently.

"Aw, home sick already? That's okay you won't feel that way for long, we're lots of fun~" Taehyung said with a rectangular smile.

"Hm, well we do have to get you comfortable don't we? Alright, I'll untie you on one condition." Namjoon bargained.

"And it is?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You can't try to escape. Oh, but you can scream, cry, and yell as loud as you like. No one will hear you, every wall in this house is sound proof so knock yourself out." Namjoon explained all the while grinning bigger and bigger.

"What do you even want from me?" You asked annoyed.

"We just want, or rather need a certain someone to be buried 20 feet underground, and it just so happens that you are a very close friend of their's. So, we're going to use you as bait, kill that bastard, and you're free to go. Well, maybe. You're a feisty one, I like that. I haven't had a fun one like you in awhile." Namjoon explained smirking at the end.

"And who is this 'bastard' you are referring to?" You asked brushing off his comment from earlier.

"Park Chanyeol." Namjoon grit his teeth.

"What?!" You exclaimed.

"Just because he joined some hot shot drug lord's team he thinks he's the shit now. Fucking traitor." Yoongi scoffed.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, are you sure you're talking about the right Park Chanyeol? Because the one I know is a complete and utter dork who acts tough but, is all soft and squishy on the inside." You said, while looking at them searching for an answer.

"He lied. Again." Jimin muttered as he shook his head.

"Can't believe he'd stoop that low." Seokjin sighed.

"Tch, fucking ass." Yoongi murmured.

"Look familiar?" Namjoon asked as he held up a picture of Chanyeol on his phone. You stared blankly at the brightly lit screen, not sure how to react to the sudden information flooding your mind.

"I-it can't be..." You said quietly.

"Speaking of the bastard, he started following me after I followed ____. Damn, I've never ran as fast as I did today." Taehyung popped.

"Well, you did a good job because we had just enough time so that he couldn't call backup." Hoseok praised Taehyung, patting his head.

"You were that guy from the cafe?" You looked up at Taehyung as everything started to come together.

"Mhm." He nodded.

"And you were the guy who pretended to be injured." You turned to Namjoon who nodded as well.

"Guess today is just full of surprises, huh?" You muttered.

Namjoon proceeded to fill you in on Chanyeol's secret life as he untied the ropes around your arms and legs with the help of Jin. As the ropes fell to the ground, you stood up only to alarm the seven men present.

"Oh my god, calm down I'm just stretching." You rolled your eyes as you massaged your sore arms. They relaxed and showed you around their home, well more like a house that's just small enough to be considered a house and not a mansion. The house itself was relatively spacious but, the only light source there was, was from the actual lights. All the windows were barricaded and even though no light could get in they still hung up black curtains over them. They left you in the guest room to do any business you needed to attend to. You looked around the room and flopped onto the bed that had a neatly placed black blanket draping over it, with matching pillows.

You're room had only consisted of a bed, dresser, shatter-proof mirror, sofa, bookshelf and desk. Everything was either black or white, giving it a very professional and modern look. The bathroom connected to the room was no different only instead of black it had a grey and white color scheme. The dresser was empty except for an oversized black T-shirt and a pair of white basketball shorts. You decided to shower and change into the clothes in the dresser since you've been wearing the same thing since yesterday.

"____?" Namjoon was knocking on the bathroom door and you stepped out fully clothed with a black towel on your head.

"Oh, good." He smiled seeing you wear the clothes. "We can go get you new clothes if you want."

"And why would you do that?" You asked suspiciously.

"Because you're never going back home so obviously you need something to wear. Unless you want to walk around nake--" You stopped him from finishing his sentence.

"Look, home isn't the happiest place in my life but, I can't just stay with a bunch of guys I don't know that's trying to kill my friend." You crossed your arms over your chest.

"The thing is he's not your friend." Namjoon retorted. "I'm trying to be nice here so could you stop being so snarky?"

You wanted to snap back but, decided against it. "Sorry, I'm just really angry he never told me about any of this." You frowned as you sat down on the sofa having your back face Namjoon.

"I didn't tell you because I was protecting you."

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter of Skin Deep!! Please support this fanfic as much as you did for Don't Let Go I would really appreciate it~~

~. Edited .~

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