Chapter 8

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Fresh scabs, and newly formed scars lined your arms and legs, your body once again became frail and weak. Your head hung low as sweat droplets slipped from your forehead. Cracking your eyes open, blood stained the floor beneath you as your legs trembled from the blood loss.

You clenched onto the metal chains, anticipating the pain that was about to come. You breathed heavily and gasped for air when you felt another familiar sting on your forearm.
The sting soon turned into a burning sensation followed by laughter.

"Aigoo, I thought you said you were cold. Was it too hot?" Kang-Dae's twisted smile didn't change one bit from 12 years ago. He held up the blowtorch and aimed towards your shoulder making you swiftly move your head away, before he set your hair on fire.

Blisters that had blisters on them bulged out from under your feet from standing for so long. To be exact, 2 hours of standing on hot coals. You begged until he would just let you stand on the cold concrete.


"Oh no. That will be no good." Kang-Dae returned to the basement after leaving you alone in the dark for the rest of the day. You were barely holding on mentally because of the dark and because of the torture.

"I have a...How do I put this?" Kang-Dae thought for a moment before looking up in delight.

"I have a guest that will also be accompanying me to a party, so a date." He said shyly. It was a bit odd for him to be all blushy but, it was only natural for someone who has never had a significant other. Despite his good looks he had never dated because he was always busy torturing people because of his psychopathic ways.

"You must look presentable, and also be in your best condition. For you will also be accompanying me with your own date, he is the little brother of a good friend of mine." Kang-Dae announced out of the blue after leaving for hours.

"W-why do I h-have to come?" You stammered weakly.

"Of course, my little sister must accompany me so I can introduce you to all my friends." He smiled widely cupping your face in his hands as he planted a small peck on your head.

"Kaja. You have to eat, shower, and regain your strength. The party is in two weeks so you should have enough time." He unlocked the chains around your wrists and ankles as he helped you upstairs. It was an unusual act of compassion and kindness that caught you off guard. Usually he would just leave you to crawl up the steps.


"I hope you like the room. I got all your favorite things according to what I remember and also what I've seen you like recently." A smile was plastered all over his face as he opened the door to the bedroom.

"It's really nice, thank you." You said softly as you stepped in the room. He nodded and explained where everything was and if there was anything you needed was to press the intercom button on the desk. You limped to the bathroom as you pulled out the first aid kit.

Glancing out the window you noticed it must be nighttime since it was pitch black with a few twinkling stars in the distance. You desperately wanted to escape but, your body was in no condition to do that. You sighed as you popped open the first aid kit reaching for the cotton wads.

"Need help, princess?" The oh so familiar deep voice resonated in your left ear making you flinch.

"N-namjoon." You looked up at him as your eyes became watery.

"Oh, baby. Don't cry. I'm here now." He pulled your frail body towards him as he let you cry into his chest. He rubbed your back gently as you wiped your tears away. He smiled when he saw that you stopped crying, planting a kiss on your lips. This time it wasn't a forced kiss but, it was comforting and warm.

"Please don't leave me." You sniffed as you hugged Namjoon.

"I'm sorry, darling. Can't go off and get myself killed by your brother now can I?" He sighed and stroked your hair.

"You should go before he comes then." You gave him a weak smile as you pulled away.

"I'm sorry." His expression was pained seeing you in such a state but, he nodded. He gave you one last kiss before leaving.

"I'm coming back, and when I do you're coming with me." He vanished just like that into the night.

You showered which took a painfully long time, due to all the wounds. Afterwards, you bandaged yourself and changed into clean clothes which was refreshing. Kang-Dae had called you down for dinner not too long after. As you gripped onto the staircase railing you came to a halt when you felt arms gently picking you up.

"The food will get cold at this rate." Kang-Dae shook his head lightly as he carried you to the dining table. After eating Kang-Dae gave you some ointments and medicines to help your body recover more quickly.

"Good night, sweet dreams~" He cooed as he shut the door to your bedroom. You slumped down on your bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

The next morning, you were woken up by laughter coming from the living room. As you slowly made your way to the end of the hall, looking down from the staircase you saw Kang-Dae sitting on the couch with a very beautiful woman. They were laughing and smiling, and overall enjoying each other's company. You shook thoughts of Namjoon out of your head as you went back to your room to change your bandages.

Most if not all the wounds had healed nicely except for a few still bleeding a bit. You sighed as you crawled back into bed, trying to fall asleep again.

You woke up a few hours later to find a sticky note saying that Kang-Dae left for some errands to run. Since he was gone you decided to escape since it might be your only chance. After dressing warmly you stepped out of the front door, greeted by the late winter wind.

You started to run as fast as you could from the house, quickly scaling the fence around it. You landed on the other side smoothly and took one step before someone grabbed your wrist.

"Leaving so soon?"

~. Edited .~

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