Chapter 4

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"...Jong-In...blah blah...Yixing...Sehun...blah blah blah...Jong-Dae...blah...Baek-Hyun...Min-Seok...Kyung-Soo..." Chanyeol was introducing you to his gang members but, you were only listening to their actual names and not what Chanyeol had to say.

"____!" Chanyeol waved a hand in front of your face. "Aish, were you even listening?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry." You mumbled.

"Anyways, this is our leader Jun-Myeon." He gestured towards a man standing next to him.

"Cool beans. Can I go?" You asked not at all interested in staying here any longer.

"I've said this time and time again. No, you can't unless you want to get kidnapped again." Chanyeol said irritably.

"Eh, beats being here." You shrugged. "Plus they're pretty hot so who wouldn't?"

"Why are you taking this so lightly? Don't you know that they want me dead?!" Chanyeol was fuming.

"Well, you see here if you weren't such an asshole then they wouldn't want you to die and, I wouldn't be put in danger." You shot back as you rested your head on your hand.

"Unbelievable! How selfish are you?!" Chanyeol shouted.

"Me? Selfish? How dare you call me the one that is selfish when you yourself are the one who befriended me and, you're also the one who broke things off with Namjoon for stupid reasons. You did all this and you call me the selfish one. You were the one who wanted all the money and glory. You were the one who became friends with me knowing that shit like this could happen. Selfish. Me. Alright, fine. I'm selfish so, I'm just going to have Namjoon come kidnap me again and you can come save me. Or not. I'm sure you don't want a selfish friend who only thinks about themselves back." You were barely managing to hold back the strong urge to sock Chanyeol straight in the nose as you were saying this.

"Fine, then go!" Chanyeol snapped as he flung open the back door.

"Thanks for finally thinking about someone other than yourself. It's nice to see the real Chanyeol, a big fat selfish liar." You tossed a lock of hair out of your face as you stormed out of the house. The door slammed behind you as the early winter breeze brushed against your exposed skin.

"Huh, guess he really meant it." You talked to yourself as you strode over to the gate.

"Hm, ah, there you are." You pulled out your phone from underneath your shirt and scrolled through your contacts to see if you could somehow contact Namjoon or the others.

Sneaky bastard.

You thought as you saw all their numbers in your phone, each had a little note as to how they cracked your phone password.

"Hello, princess~" Namjoon answered sweetly.

"Yah, come pick me up and, if you don't get your ass over here quick enough I'm going to kill you." You shivered as you hugged yourself.

"Ah, what do you mean..." His voice became distant as if he was walking away.

"...I'm right here." He draped a large leather jacket over your shoulders as he pulled you closer to him.

"Guess he kicked you out before I could come get you, hm?" He hummed as hot tears threatened to fall from your eyes.

"Not like I wanted to be with that jerk." You muttered as you wiped at your eyes and tugged the jacket closer to your body.

"Let's go before you get a cold." He smiled warmly at you as he led you to the car.

"Why're you so nice to me?" You asked as you sat in the car with him.

"Just because." He shrugged as he made a left turn.

"No, seriously." You persisted. He sighed and opened his mouth to speak but, shut it after a moment.

"It's because of Chanyeol." He said finally. "He isn't the sweet person he appears to be. He's heartless, I know from experience." He said as he shifted his shirt to show a scar. More scars were obviously noticeable all over his arms and one that particularly stood out was the scar on his neck that went from his ear to his collarbone.

"He...Did that to you?" You asked slowly. Namjoon nodded as he made another turn.

"He wasn't like this before though. He's only been like this ever since he left us and went to EXO." He recalled.

"EXO?" You echoed what Namjoon had said.

"He joined a drug dealing gang for the money. Mine is called BTS but, we don't deal with drugs. We deal with the mafia and other gangs most times. Mostly taking out the criminals, coincidentally Chanyeol is one of them and at the top of our list." He explained.

"Why would he befriend me then? Why is he even in school?" You asked.

"He uses school as his cover and he befriended you because you have money and power." He replied flatly.

"But I don't have either of those. My job barely pays anything and I'm just a normal civilian." You nibbled on the inside of your cheek as you thought hard.

"That's what you think you know, but obviously no one has ever told you anything." He parked the car in the garage and took out the keys.

"If memory serves me correctly. You're parents are the top drug lords in Verndale after they made some new super drug or something." He informed as he shut the door.

"I'm not that dense, Namjoon." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Obviously I knew they were doing illegal shit, they just never told me anything about what they did."

"Well, because you didn't know it made you an even easier target for Chanyeol." Namjoon said warily.

"Chanyeol will have a hard time getting that drug then, because my parents don't care about me so if he tries to do some ransom shit. Yeah, not happening." You snorted thinking about Chanyeol's shocked expression.

"It's only expected for them to act like that, because showing any signs of weakness would have gotten them killed by now. They probably do care about you they just, can't show it." Namjoon reassured.

"Yeah, yeah now go help me change these bandages they're starting to get uncomfortable." You complained as you tried to scratch your stomach.

"As you wish, princess~" He smiled as he picked you up bridal style.

"Ugh, why do you even call me that I have a name y'know."

"It's just a cute nickname is all." He replied sweetly.

"You're so weird."


A/N: I might not always write an author's note just to let you guys know in advance since I always had one in my other fanfic. Anyways thanks for reading and 안녕~

~. Edited .~

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