Chapter 6

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"First, you have to gouge out they're eyes."
Muffled screams met your ears as you trembled on the cold metal chair.

"Then, cut off their tongue." A scream escaped from their mouth before it was a dead silence again.

"Now, we pull some fingers and toes off."
Cracks echoed through the room as the person jolted back in pain.

"Last but definitely not least, decapitation." A loud thud followed by blood spewing made you nauseous and absolutely terrified.

"Alright, now it's your turn!" He turned to you smiling as he stepped closer to you.

"Such a shame, you're so young and cute too!" The man sighed pinching your cheek making you flinch. As he pulled away you could feel the blood drying on your cheek.

"Well, it can't be helped, can it?" The psychotic glint in his eyes made his gaze on you feel as if he was already killing you.

"Hm? Oh! We have guests!" He turned revealing men in S. W. A. T. uniforms surrounding him. He quickly unchained you from the chair and whispered to be on your best behavior.

When he didn't look at you for a moment to greet his "guests", you bolted towards the door before any of the men in uniform could get to you. Panting and running as fast as your legs could carry you.

"Help! Please, help me!" You cried out into the cold night. "Eomma! Appa!"

~End flashback~

It was 12 years ago but the memories still haunted you every time you saw darkness. The trauma created an uncontrollable fear of the dark and a numbing of emotions.

As you laid in bed contemplating what Taehyung had said, you couldn't help but think of the past trauma. Your train of thought was broken when Namjoon had entered your room through the connected bathroom. He silently crept over to your bed, slipping under the blanket making himself comfortable.

"What are you doing?" You shifted uneasily.

"Seokjin went overseas to China so now I have no one to sleep with." He replied sheepishly.

"Hul. A gangster like you still needs to sleep with someone at night?" You huffed indignantly.

"Yah, it's called separation anxiety. He's like family to me." He muttered.

You sighed looking at his peaceful face as he slept, the dim light from the lamp shining on him.

How can such a handsome face do such awful things?

You thought to yourself for a moment before putting it aside or else your head would start to hurt from thinking too much.

"Am I that handsome that you must keep your eyes on me for so long?" Namjoon smirked his eyes still shut.

"What? Don't like the attention?" You shot back annoyed.

"I never said that." He smiled showing his dimples.

"Tch, whatever. Just go to sleep already." You turned to lay on your other side. Namjoon's arms snaked their way around your waist making you flinch.

"Y-yah!" You grabbed onto his forearms as he tightened his grip, his breath lingering on your neck.

"C'mon princess just for tonight?" He spoke in such a sweet tone that it would make any girl's (or guy's) heart melt in delight. You wriggled in his arms before freezing when you felt his lips tenderly touching your neck. He peppered small kisses up and down your neck before making a beeline to your ear, nibbling gently on it.

"Y-yah. Kim Namjoon!" You pushed his arms weakly making him chuckle, his deep voice resonating.

"Yes?" He asked smugly.

"Stop, let go of me." You whimpered as you tried to unlatch his arms.

"Oh please. You're enjoying this."

"Just let go of me already!"

Irritably, Namjoon turned you over to face him, your faces inches away.

"How long are you going to play hard to get?" He growled before kissing you roughly. He pulled away and breathed hard as you did the same.

"If all you wanted to say, was that you liked me you could have just said it instead of doing whatever that was." You popped.

"It's fun making you flustered, you're so cute when you are." He laughed.

"I hope you know that I hate you."

"Aw, waaaeeeeee~~" He whined making you groan. "How can you hate me when I love you so much!"

"Ew, ew, ew. No thanks, I would like to have normal Namjoon back." You looked at him disgusted as he continued to make aegyo gestures.

"____!~~" He started inching closer all the while doing gwiyomi.

"I swear to God, Namjoon." You put your arms up in defense as you tried to kick him away.

Well, you missed and he grabbed your ankle yanking you under him. He smirked. Probably for the billionth time, as he wrapped you up in a warm hug.

"Y-yah." You gripped onto the fabric of his shirt  not sure how to react.

"I heard that you walked in on one of Taehyung's 'shows'. " He sighed into your neck. "You okay? He can be kinda brutal at times."

"Oh, that. Yeah, well, I'm kinda used to it." You shrugged a little bit, thinking about the traumatic memories from so long ago.

"You're such a bad liar." He huffed as he got up to sit on the sofa.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Your eyes ran over his face looking for his reasoning.

"I took Psychology courses for years and I can read body language," He deadpanned matter-of-factly. "Obviously something is wrong if you keep tensing up. I can tell you're hiding something."

"Fine, if you must know," He looked intrigued as he listened attentively. "I have witnessed a similar event to what Taehyung did when I was 7 years old."

"Ah, so past trauma?" He nodded knowingly. "Okay, that's a lot easier to deal with. I can help you."

"Sure you can." You shot back sarcastically. "A gang leader can help little old me get over some trauma that has been haunting me for my entire life."

"Yup and I know exactly how." He clicked his tongue in confidence.

"Oh, please do tell what you are planning on doing," You pretended to act intrigued. "Enlighten me with your wisdom."

"I'm going to date you."

~. Edited .~

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