PART 1: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Me and Rebecca found a empty shack just outside of Atlanta. The walkers were gone and there was nothing left. It had 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and a kitchen. There was only little traces of food. We found some canned goods.

After we scanned the area for walkers, there was a loud scream from behind. "Did you hear that?" Rebecca asks, her voice shaky in fear.

"No. Hear what?" I ask sarcastically. I may be coming off as a complete asshole right now. But you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer.

"Good I'm not going insane." She mumbled. Becca was used to my sarcasm, considering she heard it 24/7.

"Well whatever - or whoever - it was is probably dead now, so lets keep going."

Becca walked in front of me and I walked right behind her. We walked for a little while longer kept before we heard light moaning.

"Um Tailynn, I think we need to run now." Rebecca said, nervously.

"Nah, we can take 'em. There's probably only 12 or so." I glance over at her, shrugging lightly.

"Yeah maybe, but we don't need to waist ammo. We only have so much." She notices. Which honestly, is a good point.

"We can use our knives." I shrug. "Shouldn't be too hard."

I walked in front of Becca this time. We ventured around a building that had been obviously, burnt down before or maybe after everything happened. There was only a couple walkers in the building, so we decided to leave them. Looking the rest of the way around the building, we both turn the corner to see a herd of them. 

"Tai, lets not try and kill these. RUN!" Becca screamed, turning on the balls of her feet.

"Um, not a good idea, Becca." The walkers turned towards us and started stumbling over each other to get to our flesh.

We headed back the way we came and climbed up the tallest tree we could find.

Rebecca was the girlier one of the 2 of us so it was harder for her to get up without 'breaking a nail' or something. Ha. I made a funny.

"Come on Becca!" I urged her from the tree top of the thick tree. "I cant I'm gonna die, just leave me." She sighed as a tear rolled down her cheeks, pink from the cold.

Then I heard bullets in the distance. They lasted for a few minutes before the walkers were almost gone. Three men take out the last 5 with knives or with the crossbow. I pushed myself out of the tree gaving Rebecca a tight hug.

"Awh, thank God," I whispered into her hair.

Rebecca and I's hug shared was ruined by a gruff voice.

"Who're you?!" The man with a crossbow asked rather forcefully. A Korean, A redneck, and a sheriff stood in front of us. I stood there for a minute frozen."Who are ya?!" He asked again, his voice rising. Becca let out a small, squeek and I spoke up, "I'm Tailynn and this is Rebecca."

"Are you bit?" The man in the worn, bloody, and slightly ripped sheriff uniform asked.

"No, no bites." Rebecca answers him.

"Do you have a group? If so, where?" He asked.

"Nope. No group." I sigh over to him.

"How many walkers have you killed?" The Korean man asks.

Too Far Gone // Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now