0.5 ➼ jily [confessions]︙part 2

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story suggested by: bluecoolicecream

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"Out of my way Snivellus," James sneered. "I have some business to attend to."

Severus instinctively held his arm out sharply, "Not so fast Potter. We have a bit of discussing to do, I'm sure your very important 'business' in the direction of the girls quarters can wait."

"Severus let him go," the voice said again.

Both boys turned around, ready to fight the victim that had spoken, but their jaws dropped and were speechless when they saw who it was.

"Lily," James whispered under his breath, barely audible.

"Why are you defending this brat?" Severus spat pointing at his enemy scornfully who was still looking for words.

"Severus, I thought you knew better than to treat others rudely," Lily said, crossing her arms. "Don't you remember what Professor Slughorn said this morning?"

Severus was shuffling backwards, away from James slowly, hands held out in front. "I'm so sorry Lily, but I thought you'd-"

"-thought I'd what Severus?" she demanded.

But Lily never found out for he was already out of the room before she had finished her sentence. James slowly walked towards her, a goofy grin starting to form on his face.

"Just what do you think you're grinning at Potter?" she asked, cheeks burning. "Scram, now," she pointed in the direction of the Gryffindor Common Room.

James shrugged his shoulders, defeated and stuck his hands in the pockets of his deep Gryffindor blazer and walked off. Lily grimaced as she watched him walked off, head down. She'd blown her chance of asking him out.

I just wish he wasn't so big headed at times, she thought.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head and Mary came into focus.

"It's okay," she said softly. "Another time."

Tears stung Lily's eyes as she sighed and turned around with Mary. Together, the duo made their way back to the girls quarters.

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"Man, she is harsh dude," Sirius said shaking his head at James who kept shrugging. "Ask her out, you'll have to do it sooner or later."

"Well, I choose sooner. It's just, Snivellus..." he trailed off, wishing he didn't exist.

"Yeah well that guy has problems okay? Maybe there's a spell... You hearing me? James? Hello?" Sirius frowned waving his hand rapidly inches from James' face.

Red, red hair... Emerald green eyes... Eating daintily, vegetables-

"Tomatoes!" James jerked up, face confused.

"Tomatoes? You sure your feeling alright buddy? Maybe you should have a lie down..."

"No, no, I'm okay. I'm just gonna go... Somewhere..." he trailed off and left the Common Room in the blink of an eye, leaving Sirius alone to figure his friend's strange behaviour out.

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James passed the familiar corridors of the girls quarters and stopped at Lily, Mary, Marlene and Alice's room. He silently held his ear to the door and secretly listened in on their conversation.

"Ugh, what is wrong with me? I'm harsher to the boy I have a crush on, than the boy I've been best friends with since I was young," Lily's voice echoed loudly.

"Honestly, I don't know what you see in Severus. He's probably debating whether to set a snake on you or not. Whereas James on the other hand..." Marlene laughed.

"Marlene, you know he likes Lily."

James winced, he wondered how word had got out, was it really that obvious?

"I was kidding."

"Anyway, Lily, I'll ask Sirius a surprise favour for you and James okay? Everything's going to be fine, count on it," Mary said in a reassuring voice.

A loud bang filled the corridor and James jumped and froze, thinking he was caught. But when he looked up, an enchanted letter was thumping at the door. He let out his breath he was holding and opened the door slightly apart, so the letter could fly in. He peeked in watching the letter travel over to Lily.

"Dear Lily," she read, "I'm sorry I overreacted before and I beg for your forgiveness. I never want to let anything come between our friendship and I want to show that by inviting you to come with me to Honeyduke's. Meet me in the Courtyard at eleven thirty tomorrow morning if you would like to come. Love, Severus."

A letter inviting her to Honeyduke's? Well, I might just have to cut their little reuniting trip short, James thought, the gears in his brain ticking.

"Well are you going to go?" asked Marlene.

"Of course, he's one of my closest friends, why wouldn't I?" she said frowning at Marlene who rolled her eyes.

"Okay, but tomorrow you might have a little surprise in the afternoon with a certain black haired boy who wears glasses," Mary smiled, her eyes twinkling mysteriously.

James figured it was him and wondered what it could be. He concluded the only way to break the ice was to question Sirius while he was under a truth spell.

"Well, okay then. I guess you're not going to tell me about it?" Lily asked hopefully, but only to be greeted with the shaking of Mary's head.

James had heard all he needed to know, he scooted down one of the many Hogwarts staircases and slipped into his own room.

"Where were you? You should be studying for the N.E.W.T exams," Remus looked up from his books.

"Nah, I've got it covered. Hey do you by any chance know a truth spell?" James flopped on his bed and closed his eyes, thinking about a certain red haired girl...

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author's note:
hello!!! yeah i know, not the best ending right? it's kinda a weird place to end it but...

seems to me though james and lily are going to confess to each other very soon, and sooner than expected!

yes there is going to be a part 3 because I may have put lots of unnecessary scenes in this chapter. but don't worry, the ending will be a happy one!!

what do you think mary and sirius' plans are?

will lily open up and tell james how she feels?

what is severus going to do when he takes lily out to honeyduke's?

don't forget to comment on what you think because i would really like to hear your thoughts!

love you all!

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