0.6 ➼ jily [confessions]︙part 3

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story suggested by: bluecoolicecream

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"PRONGSIE WRONGSIE WAKE UP!!!" Sirius shouted dancing around happily in their dormitory.

James rolled over and groaned. Dappled sunlight hit his eyelids as he tried to go back to sleep. "Sirius," he growled grumpily, resisting the urge to kill him.

"What? It's called being happy. But to be honest, I doubt you've even heard of it," he rolled his eyes. "Except for when you see Evans of course."

After a long 5 minutes of attempting to go back to sleep, James finally sat up watching Sirius' crazy dance. "So, tell me why you're happy all of a sudden?" he yawned, wishing he could sleep more.

"I thought you didn't care about people's happiness?" he paused, "Except for Lily's of course."

"Oh for Merlin's beard," he muttered, "Spit the damn information out," he grumbled. He didn't have time for Sirius' games this morning. He had important business to do with a visit to the girl's quarters.

"You are no fun at all in the mornings, you know that?"

"Are you certain that's not because you woke him up? You know that man needs his sleep right?" Remus frowned and sat down on his bed with a pile of books.

"Yes I'm certain, what's better than getting Sirius Black to wake you up in the mornings?"

"Everything," James muttered. "Now hurry up and tell me what you were 'happily dancing' about before I decide to hex you," James said making quotation marks in the air with his fingers at the words happily dancing.

"Oh well of course my king. You, my man have got yourself a date tonight with a lovely Water-Lily Flower," he grinned.

James started the reveal his happiness but tried to hide it quickly with coughing loudly. "How?" he asked when he abruptly stopped coughing and in by doing so left Sirius smirking.

"I have my sources," he tapped his head annoyingly. "I'll tell you later," he added whispering.

"Mary is my guess," Remus responded subconsciously.

"Thanks Remus, when and where?"

"At 5 o'clock on the dot in the Room of Requirement," Sirius replied giving a quick salute.

"Boy are you annoying when you're nice," James muttered and left to find some food.

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"Hey Lily, guess what?" Mary bounded over to Lily's bed who was writing an essay for Professor Slughorn about the Polyjuice Potion.

"Hmm? What's up?" she asked not really listening and focusing more on her essay.

"You have a special date with a certain black haired and hazel eyed boy," she grinned excitedly.

"Mmmm, great..."

"Did I hear right? My little Lil's has finally got a date?" Marlene asked groggily as of just waking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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