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"I just did. N-now I must go."

Emma's last dreary words before she vacated my household, leaving Chanyeol grief-stricken as the rest of our ears apprehend his breaths getting deeper when he weakly told himself once she closed the front door shut, not realizing that some of his best buds were still fair distance behind
"I-i do love you, Emma Brady."
None of us knew what to do or say. We were just in utter revelation of what Chanyeol just frankly admitted. Baekhyun, Xiumin, Sehun, & Lay; who casually walked into the traumatic scene, still having no clue what the hell just happened. As the five of us were about to head over to another room, giving Chanyeol some personal space, it was too late once the giant turned around, now fully aware that we were still in his presence when we noticed his eyes were light red around his dark brown irises from his silent cries, still remained a pearl-shaped tear to trickle down his crimson-shaded cheeks that made all of us deeply concerned for the other.

He is emotionally damaged.

Chanyeol rubbed his eyelids with the side of his index fingers to let the tears go away, but it was no use to perish them anymore.
Chanyeol breathed out a trembling exhale while his fingers stressfully ran through his hair, with his eyes trailed down while trying to hide the devastation he's currently showing. Usually, we never see him like this, at all. Chanyeol intends to keep his feelings to himself and doesn't show slight emotion, but this is different. The burning flame of regret revealed.
To break the silence in the room, Baekhyun took a two slow steps forward while asking anxiously to the other
"A-are you oka-" Baekhyun stutters, scared of not knowing what his tall best friend's upcoming actions would be, but got cut off by the deep modulated voice from Chanyeol himself
"Forget it." his final words before he walked out the front door as well, probably gonna drive home to let out all of his mixed emotions from today. It resembled a non-stop roller coaster to be honest.

We were all stupefied. It was just deaden silence once Chanyeol left, but Baekhyun turned to the side, narrowing his eyes my direction when he asks sternly "What the hell just happened??"
"How am I supposed to know?"
"You were here before us." Sehun chimed into unnecessarily state, resulting myself to roll my orbs around before replying, pretending to not know shit even if I was the one of the main reasons of this tense incident
"Yeah.. like five seconds before you smartasses, either way I'm just as clueless as all of you."
Lay cocked an eyebrow of disapproval while Baekhyun purses his slight pink plump lips of thinking if I'm actually telling the honest truth, and the rest were just blank faced...
As the curiosity of the four dimwits left the living room, mumbling theories about Chanyeol and Emma's sudden discussion, my body had to immediately drop down to the sofa, sitting up on my tailbone while both my firm palms cupped the smooth skin of my face in distress. The role as a leader is tough in multiple ways, always being the hard guy on the guys, especially about them being or bound to be in serious intimate relationships. It's not just Chanyeol who I would technically 'mollycoddle', but it's my job as a leader to look after and protect the rest of EXO, knowing what happened with Chanyeol and Lila, nothing like that should ever arise again.


While I was about to walk with Baekhyun, Lay, and Sehun over to the elaborated kitchen; my head leisurely glimpses towards the male left behind while currently stopping my tracks to notice Suho on the couch with his head in his hands as a blunt steady sigh released through the mouth. The stress is getting to him, I thought. Even if he is our leader, I'm the actual oldest but Suho tries his very best to protect us, assuming he is the knowledgeable one but really, the wise guy hardly considers himself... even if he was the most wounded, he would make sure we were fine, always. Resulting his stress level to the max as the minor anxiety is slowly getting to Suho.
Thinking Chanyeol's unreadable, well Suho is defiantly impassive when it comes to real sentiment.
Deciding last second not to follow the rest of the gang, I leisurely walk over to my grown weary lad on the sofa as my body casually sits beside him, but makes sure there was about a couple inches of extent space between us when the words came out to ask
"What's making you this way?"
Suho slightly yawned while answering with a following question, stretching his arm limbs out as he denies the fact that he's hiding his emotions, once again..

Shameless Love - Park ChanyeolWhere stories live. Discover now