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When I woke up, I yelped as my neck cracked in pain. I looked around. I was curled up inside my car covered in my sweater. There was a folded note taped to the windshield so I opened it up.
Dear Kirsten,
Me and Avi have no idea where you live, AVIously, so we cozied you up in your car. We're really sorry you didn't make it! In pretty sure it was all a stupid mistake. My number is 687-361-1067. (That's def not her number so don't try calling it) call or text me whenever.
We love you,
Esther and Avi

I yawned and stretched, pulling the jacket off me. It looked like late evening, the first stars coming out to play in the colorful sunset sky.

I grabbed my phone and texted Esther back:
Hey! It's Kirsten.

I reared the car out of the parking lot and drove back home. Suddenly, I noticed my music sheets tacked in a neat stack on the passenger seat, and the embarrassing and disappointing afternoon came crashing down again.
Sighing, I pulled into my street and into my house.

A bit about my house and family, by the way. My parents both worked in law firms and banks. As you can probably tell, my parent's pockets are big, and so is my house.

As soon as I opened the front door, my dog Olaf bounded up to me and started barking.

As soon as I opened the front door, my dog Olaf bounded up to me and started barking

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⬆️⬆️⬆️ I'm pretty sure that's Olaf and Kirsti! What an adorable picture😍❤️😘😘😘

"Hey Olaf I missed you!" I bent over to touch noses with my favorite dog in the whole world. I fed him a small treat from the treat box next to the door. My mom's footsteps were hurrying up the hall to see me. Her wavy blonde hair was pulled up in a curly ponytail and she was wearing a floral dress.

"Hey Kirst! How was it?" She asked, wiping her hands on a dish towel. "Did you get accepted?"

My face fell. "I- I didn't make it." Sudden tears sprang to my eyes and I wiped them away. Olaf licked my hand comfortingly.

"Aww, Kirsten! That's too bad- but I know you tried very hard, sweetie." She walked over and hugged me. "Cmon, I made your favorite- rainbow lasagna! Come to the kitchen and we'll talk about it."

Nodding, I put away my jacket and purse and followed my mom into the kitchen. It was a modern dream, really. A long glass panel revealed a scenic view of the city, complete with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. The hidden LED lights strung all around gave the room a cool glow.

I sat down at the table. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he had to stay a bit late at the office today. Difficult court case, he said." My mom replied, dishing out mouth- watering pasta. "So, what exactly happened today, sweetie? You look like the judges failed you at the first note!"

I told her everything that happened, from nearly hitting the snobby teenagers on the street to spilling coffee on Mitch. Then I explained how someone had erased my name and had written their name instead in my place.

"Kirsten Maldonado-" my mom scolded. "Do you want me to take away your car keys again? Because-"

We heard a distant buzzing noise. "Mom?" I said. "I'll go see if that's for me." I went to the hall to see my phone. There was a call from a unknown ID, but I picked it up and listened.

"Hello? Is this Kirsten Maldonado?" A strange female voice asked.

"That's me." I replied.

"Anyways, Ms. Maldonado. There seemed to be a mistake this afternoon. Someone did erase your name and write in theirs. We had all the staff look it over, and they agree it was a mistake."

"Oh my gosh are you serious?" I almost yelled.

"I am. And I am more serious to tell you that you are the last winning contestant of the NTVC!!! Congratulations! We're sending emails to all the passing contestants, so stay tuned."

I lost it and screamed. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" I thanked her and hung up, bounding back to the kitchen with Olaf at my heels.

"Mooom! I actually got in!" I yelled. "They found out it was a mistake- and i passed!"

With a huge smile on her face, my mom hugged me tight. Olaf barked with joy and tried to knock me over with his paws. "This calls for rainbow lasagna and red velvet cupcakes!"

Last Chance to Win (Mirstie)Where stories live. Discover now