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⬆️Total Mirstie feel up there, totally. Sorry for the delayed update, I've been busy and haven't had much motivation. A 1K word filled chapter for you guys! Mirstie shippers unite!

"Mitch, don't tell me you were whisper spilling about the party!"

"HUH?" I yelled. "What?"

Suddenly Rachel clapped both hands over her mouth, eyes wide. "SHOOT! I wasn't supposed to tell!" She yelled.

"Wait, a party?" I glanced at Mitch.

Mitch looked at the floor and shrugged. "Well, we were going to have a party tonight but we didn't want the word getting around. You know, we didn't want to get in trouble and stuff." His cheeks were red like crazy and I was sure mine were too.

"Are you guys gonna drink alcohol  and stuff and smoke weed?" I joked, trying to remove the thick tension.

Rachel and Mitch both snapped up, horrified. "NO!" They cried at the same time. I laughed, glad the tension was gone.

Rachel pounded her head against the doorframe lightly. "Ugh, I might as well tell you. Me and Mitch and some other friends are going to have a small party at my house. We kind of wanted to celebrate since we were almost done with NVTC."

"Sounds fun!" I stood up with my hands on my hips. Mitch fanned away an invisible beam of sunlight and scooted back on the piano bench.

"Tonight at my house at 6." Rachel went on. "You know, that sweet house on Hollister street?"

I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "It's like, the biggest one on the whole block!"

"Well, make sure to dress up and get ready for fun!" Rachel giggled. As she and Mitch started up a lively chatter while cleaning up Mitch's stuff, I was SOO relieved she didn't realize what we were actually going to do. *wink wink*

When I got home later that day I went straight to my closet to pick out an outfit. I texted Esther (we were on speaking terms again) for advice.

K: Hey Esther. A girl always asks her girlfriends b4 picking an outfit for a party. Wat should I wear?

E: Ooh a party! Who's going yo

K: The guys from NVTC obvi

E: Ok them. Just wear ur usual glam clothes KK?

K: What exactly lol

E: A dress with stilettos why not

K: Ok thanks for the help ur gr8

E: Np

I decided on a dark blue polo dress which brought out the color of my eyes, and a pair of gray stilettos that I bought for a school dance a while back. I curled my blonde locks to make them look bouncy and clipped on a few gold-white barrettes.  I deepened my usual makeup, shading more purple eyeshadow and blush and to finish it off a pink lipgloss. Then I grabbed my small pink leather purse and slid in my phone, headphones, wallet, keys, and lipstick.

"Mom!" I yelled. "I'm going to a party on Hollister street."

"Who's party sweetie?" My mom called back from the kitchen.

"Oh a girl named Rachel's. She's celebrating the end of NTVC." I explained, stopping by the kitchen to catch my breath.

"Will her parents be there?" She raised a cautious eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure they will." I lied and started for the front door.

"Can I come too?"


"Just kidding, have fun! Call me if you need a ride home and stay no later than 10pm."

I patted a sleeping Olaf's head on the way out. "Bye Owuff be a good dog okay?"

He slept on.

Rachel's house was not too far from my house, a large, Victorian dream complete with white trimming and a fun looking balcony railing that looked fun to slide down on. I jogged up the stairs and rang the doorbell.

Rachel greeted me, her hair in a high curly ponytail and a layer of hot pink lipstick on her lips. She was wearing a hot pink tee tucked into a black skirt and a pair of white Converse high tops. She nodded, wide gold hoop earrings and necklaces tinkling together. "Hey! Thanks for coming."

"No prob." I replied. Is anyone else coming?"

"Obvi!" Rachel yelled, leading me further into the house. It was like those homes on TV, sophisticated yet still homey looking. I ran my hand over an ornamented table. "Kevin, Avi, Kira, Lindsey, and I think Jeremy. Mitch and Scott are here."

She led me to the living room where the snacks and music were before running off to fetch her lipstick. I headed into the living room where Scott greeted me. Mitch had been fiddling with the music on an iPad.

"Scott, should we play Lorde or Ed Sheeran ne-" He froze when he saw me and his eyes widened. "Kirstin?"

"Hey Mitch!" I was blushing. I walked over to see the music he was going to play. When I got close enough, Mitch smiled at me. "You look super pretty tonight." He whispered shyly.

"Aww, you look great too." I grinned. Mitch had gelled his hair into their usual bangs but was wearing a red t- shirt advertising some band and Capri shorts and Vans. He looked cute.

"You wanna pick a song?" He asked with a shy smile.

"Wasn't I gonna pick?" Scott shoved some chips into his mouth with a pretend pout.

2 hours later, Cake By The Ocean was blasting off the stereos and everyone was sugar high, sparwled about the living room. Everyone had long since arrived was snapchatting on their phones and laughing to stupid memes, high over soda and candy. Mitch was giggly with sugar as I teasingly invited him to dance with me.

Walk for me baby!

Lets loose our minds and go crazy crazy!

We pranced along to the beat, laughing so hard and dancing lamely.

...Cake by the ocean floor!!!

The song ended and Say You Won't Let Go started to play.

I met you in the dark, you lift me up...

Mitch wrapped his arms around my shoulders with a grin. I did the same to him and we fake slow danced around, other people imitating us. Kevin was trying to drag Avi into dancing while Avi tried to drag Kevin back into another round of poker.

Laughing, I looked back at Mitch and gave him a smile.

We danced the night away, we drank too much

Sound and color faded away as our faces drew closer. I could already feel his breath on my cheek.

I held your hair back when, you were throwing up

"BOOOOOOO!!!!" Scott slapped us both on the heads, making us jump. Him being taller than both of us was annoying. "WE'RE ALL GOING TO PLAY HIDE AND SEEK NOW EVERYONE GOOO IMA COUNT TO FORTYYY OKAYYY???!" He was bouncing up and down from the sugar.

Howling hysterically, everyone ran off in different directions and scrambled to find a hiding place. I grabbed Mitch's arm with a knowing glance and pulled him up the stairs.  We both knew what was going to happen. I shoved open the nearest door (it was a bathroom door) and pulled both of us in. For a second, we stood there panting and giggling, and his face turned serious and he suddenly leaned in and kissed me.

Just say you won't let go...

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