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Bright spotlights. Glittering outfits. Bold makeup. Tense silence.

"...and the winning contestant is..." The announcer's excited voice cut through the tension of the audience.

I glanced at the four sitting next to me- Pentatonix. The group which changed my life, literally. The group that would kick start my career as a professional pop artist, maybe. We grabbed hands and held tightly on to each other as tense seconds passed as the judges made their final decisions, heads bent tightly together.

"And the winner is... BEEP BEEP BEEP!"  BEEP BEEP BEEP

The sudden and shrewd sound of my alarm clock jerked me awake from the tumult of the dream. Today is the day! I thought excitedly to myself. Immediately I grabbed my phone sitting on my nightstand which had been literally blowing off with notifications full of good lucks from everyone in NVTC. After all this time, this was the day. Today. At exactly twelve noon, NVTC was going to send out an email containing the winners. After that, there was one final party for everyone, than that was it for the whole chorus.

With nothing but time to kill, I unlocked my phone to see a message from Mitch.

M: Hey Kirst, we're heading over to Scott's to await the email. Wanna come?

I smiled to myself. Of course! I threw on an outfit, twisted my blonde tresses into a large knot, greeted my parents morning, gave Olaf a treat,  and got washed up than walked out the door with a granola bar in hand and a hopeful song in my heart.

I could already smell the delicious scent of freshly made waffles as I rang the doorbell to Scott's apartment. I shifted on one foot as I heard someone coming down the hallway to open the door too see Mitch wearing a handsome button down and smiling at me. He opened the door and glanced around to make sure no one was looking, then leaned in a little and gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed slightly and laughed. "Morning, Romeo." I greeted playfully.

"How did my fair lady sleep last night?" He asked with a mock bow, playing along.

"Very well, kind sir." We laughed again and went inside. Breaking character, I leaned in to Mitch. "You know, we don't have to keep it a secret that we're dating now." I said.

Mitch frowned. "I k-kind of want to wait. Im afraid Scott's going to be upset." He looked so sad for a moment, I was afraid to say anything else.

Taking a deep breath, I almost stumbled on a potted plant outside someone's door before continuing. "Does this have to do with Rachel-"

 We stopped in front of a door and Mitch gave me a warning glance before opening it to face a very incredulous looking Scott.

"What were you guys laughing about?" The tall, blonde Scott asked.

Mitch and I glanced at each other. "Nothing." We said simultaneously.

Scott gave us another suspicious glance before heading to the kitchen. "Waffles will be ready in a minute. Hop on the couch and watch some TV." His voice sounded colder than his usual cheerful trill.

Me and Mitch placed ourselves awkwardly on the white couch and he grabbed a fat pillow and hugged it to his chest. SpongeBob was playing but neither of us paid attention to the screen. On the low coffee table in front of us sat a laptop logged in with Scott's email, and next to that a mug of steaming coffee.

"Mitch? I finally asked. "Why is Scott so scared for you?"

Mitch sank his face into the pillow. "It's because... A year or so ago I got into a really bad relationship with this girl... well, it was Rachel."

"What?!" I cried, almost leaping to my feet.

"Yeah," Mitch continued. "She's better now, but I'll tell you the whole story. I met her in high school and was immediately so happy I'd gotten the most popular, prettiest, and richest girl of the school. But I know one thing now. Popular girls like Rachel equal a lotttt of boys. A few months into our relationship, I found out she had been cheating on me with this other guy."

"Oh my gosh." I breathed.

"And worst yet, she didn't even apologize until a few months ago. She didn't fully realize that having, like two or three boyfriends at the same time in secret from the other guy was wrong. I know there are popular girls who wouldn't do this, though. I trusted her completely though. I thought we were really meant to be. And when Scott found me all depressed and stuff afterwards, he became super protective and I kind of lost my trust in girls after that."

"I'm so sorry Mitch." I said.

He squashed his face into the pillow a few more times before continuing. "But before I went out with her, I remember that exact moment. It was the winter dance. I had the flowers and candy and promise ring all lined up to ask her out, when Scott ran up to me, put a hand on my shoulder and warned me one last time. But I ignored him and followed my own heart. And she took my heart, broke it, and left."

For a while we sat in silence. I slowly edged near to him and gave him a hug. We had nothing more to say, so we sat in silence, watching the endless humor on the TV. I think we must have fallen asleep or zoned out, because what seemed like five seconds later Scott was shaking our shoulders yelling for us to wake up. Avi and Kevin had arrived and were bouncing up and down in front of the computer screen.

"ELEVEN FIFTY EIGHT!" Kevin yelled. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Scott thrust a lukewarm waffle into my hand before bouncing up again. It was the moment, the email was coming!

The five of us were jumping up and down the computer, yelling and screaming as the last ten seconds counted down to noon. It felt like new years eve! Sure enough, at exactly twelve o'clock noon Scott slamming his finger on the refresh button and a new email popped up. Mitch grabbed me and I dropped the waffle, grabbing Kevin, and we started screaming like crazy as Scott opened the email with shaking hands and Avi held up his phone to record this very special moment.

In big bold letters, the winners name's were announced.

Winner 1: Rachel Appling

Winner 2: Jeremy Lewis

Winner 3: Panic at the Disco (Brendon Urie)

Winner 4: Tyler Dun and Josh Joseph (yeah NTVC screwed this up unbelievably omg yes)

Winner 5: Pentatonix (Kirstin, Scott, Mitch, Avi, Kevin)

"WE WOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We yelled at the same time. Mitch and I and Avi started crying happy tears, and Scott and Kevin had to act all manly so they "blew their noses". We couldn't stop hugging and crying and laughing and jumping.


yEs fRIenDs it finalLY happennnned! Hope you squealed at the cameos hehe! Hope you enjoyed this chapter a lot!

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