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^^Y'all like twenty one pilots? I drew Josh Dun! Also this is a slightly shorter chapter. Reviews welcome!

I'd be happy to say that through the clouds of uncertainty and lost hope we emerged as confident, happy, and energy filled souls at our music- we would dance off the walls singing the perfect melodies in perfect voices while the judges' jaws dropped.

But... Nope.

We tried everything. Everyone squashed into my small bedroom and managed to scrap together ideas which we eagerly rehearsed. Unfortunately nothing really fit together, it was like trying to jam five puzzle pieces- each piece from a different puzzle together! Everything sounded either out of tune, dissonant, or too overpowering.

Rachel leaned over and gave me a hug as I sighed over the failed music with my head in hands. "It's ok Kirstin, I'm pretty sure we'll figure this out, after all, we're the NTVC right-"

Her voice was cut off but a loud ringtone from her pocket. Lady Gaga's Telephone blasted from her hot pink cased phone and Rachel's face grew red as she dug for the vibrating device, glaring at all our giggles. All of a sudden, the chorus started and I couldn't help but join in with the lyrics.

Stop calling, stop calling
I don't wanna talk anymore
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor

Mitch grinned as he joined in, his tenor voice mingling in perfectly with my mezzo soprano one. A low hum, a beatboxing and a confident bass joined us. I looked around in shock as we kept singing. Me, Mitch, Scott, Avi, and Kevin were singing together like we had rehearsed this a billion times and we had never heard each other sing it!

Rachel noticed we were having such a great time, she let the phone ring on as she watched us acapella our way through the 2010 smash hit. When the song finished, the five of us clumsily grabbed hands and did a messy bow. Mitch had swerved around Avi and Kevin to grasp my hand, and when no one noticed he squeezed it affectionately.

Rachel and Kira were grinning like crazy behind us. "It looks like you've found your answer." Rachel smiled.

I turned to Mitch, feeling the best I'd had about my song for the first time I'd had in weeks. No, scrap that. Our song. I could barely wait till next Saturday and put this all together!

Happy May guys! It's the one year anniversary of Jeremy's and Kirstin's engagement. Honestly, how do you guys feel about Kirst getting married to someone other than Mitch? I'm a bit sad (foop) but Jeremy's her true love! And then she's going to be called Kirstin Taylor Maldonado-Lewis! What a gorgeous name!

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