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A cookie to Stevenconniebbrae getting the culprit right!🍪🍪🍪

"ESTHER?" Everyone yelled.

"No way!"


"Wow, what a jerk!"

Esther put her face in her hands as everyone yelled insults at her. Rachel pulled the post- it off her packet and looked under it. In red ink, and clearly in a different handwriting, the REAL review-

Well done Rachel! We thoroughly enjoyed your song. It was poppy, catchy, and too the beat! We suggest tuning it a bit more, but otherwise it was great!

"She faked them all! And I'm such an idiot, I didn't even bother to look under the post it!" Rachel yelled. "Thanks a lot, you jerk!" She stalked back to the building, yelling out the news. We all grumbled and ripped off the faked reviews.

Everyone split up, muttering insults at Esther. Even Avi, who was usually a nice and well behaved guy, did not try to comfort his sister at all.

Mr. Micron was hurrying outside. "Is there anything wrong here?"

Everyone at the same time pointed at Esther and yelled what happened. Mr. Micron looked mad. "Young lady, I would like to see you in my office right away." He ordered. He then nodded at Avi and me. "You two also!"

My mouth fell open. What?!

For the first time, Esther spoke. "Mr. Micron, I can explain-"

"There is no explanation needed behind what you did." Mr. Micron deadpanned. "Come along, you three. I have some questioning to do."

The office of Mr. Micron never looked more uninviting. We sat down on chairs in front of his desk and proceeded to look at him.

"Well," he began. "It seems that you three have been sabotaging people's scores."

"Me and Kirsten had nothing to do with it." Avi cut in. "We have proof!" He pulled out his packet, yanked out Esther's, and motioned for me to take out mine.
"Esther changed all our scores so we thought we'd failed. And then she marked hers like she passed-"

"Excuse me? You and Kirsten had everything to do with this!" Esther interrupted, throwing us a superior look. "They are the ones to blame! Look at Kirsten, she's trying so hard not to blurt out the truth!"

I gasped.

"That's exactly WRONG!" Several voices yelled behind me. We all turned turned to see Scott, Kevin, Rachel, Mitch, and several others standing outside the doorway. "Kirsten and Avi are completely innocent!"

Micron raised his eyebrows. "You all know, this is a very professional, expensive, realistic completion that has been running for more then 20 years. We will not deal with pranks like this ever again. Esther, you stay with me. Kirsten and Avi, you are free to go,  but on a warning. I have a feeling you all have just been stirring up excitement for the fun of it."

I never felt so angry against Esther. I wanted to punch her so bad for setting everyone up like this, but instead I sucked in a breath, flipped my blonde hair and went out. I felt a small punch on my shoulder from Scott and turned to face him.

"Mitch convinced all of us to tell Mr. Micron that you and Avi were innocent. I think he appreciated you uncovered the whole thing."

I smiled at him. "No problem."

Suddenly I felt a hug quicker then lightning. Mitch! "Thanks." He mumbled. Without you, I- well let's just say I'd be really mad. He stepped away, smiling.

Walking home that afternoon, I was humming "Just Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Búble. "They say all's fair... In love and war..."

Suddenly a voice happily joined mine as the chorus was sang. "Cause I just haven't met you yet. Da da da da dum dum..."

I turned around to see Mitch singing along a few steps behind me. My stomach did that weird butterfly thing! "Hey, why'd you stop?" He asked, grinning.

I grinned back. Smiling, we unintentionally joined hands and skipped down the sidewalk, singing on top of our voices.

I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down...

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