Kurt II

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When I wake up, I'm in Peter's room. To be accurate, I lay on his bed, the sheets pulled roughly around me. I start arranging myself and the pillows as Peter walks in, a cup of tea in the one hand and a plate with biscuits in the other. He shuts the door and smiles as he sees me awake.
"Hey fish."
"That's not funny."
He hands over the biscuits and cup to me.
"It is, you should have seen the face of Blackwolf."
He smirks.
"You know you look cute when you're sleeping, don't you?"
I blush and try to focus on the biscuits.
"Where did you get these from? And please don't tell me you made them yourself, because that would be a lie."
He laughs.
"No, I didn't make them myself. But I told Miss Hermter about you and your sad fate."
He raises his voice to the end of the sentence.
"Sad, poor, little crawlerboy..."
I nibble on one of the biscuits.
"They taste absolutely great. And I thought she didn't like you that much since you ran through her kitchen several times to get some food?"
Now Peter is blushing a little.
"Yeah, but I WALKED into her kitchen and excused myself."
He sits down next to me.
"You walked? Like the normal-people-slow way? You must really like me..."
He smiles, but within a second, his face expression gets serious.
"What happened today? I mean, you nearly killed yourself. It was pure luck that you came crashing right into Fisherman's date."
I look up.
"I disturbed him on a date? Really? I didn't want to do that... Did you tell him I'm sorry?"
"How could I know that you'd be sorry?"
"Because you know me?"
He laughs.
"Well, that's a good argument. Still, what happened today?"
I stare into my teacup.
My cheeks suddenly feel like they are burning.
"I got distracted, it's alright."
Even without looking at Peter, I know he is smirking.
"Interesting... What was it? It must have been something important."
"Yeah... Why do you... Hrmpf."
I can't find words and Peter knows it.
"Well, you had lessons, and since I KNOW YOU..."
He moves his face closer to mine.
"I know that you would never focus on something unimportant when you're in your lessons."
He smiles his cute winner's smile. I gather all my courage and look right into his eyes. My voice trembles a bit.
"The important thing was you. I mean... It is you."
Peter now smiles warmly.
"You're still cute when you're awake."
He kisses me softly on my lips and time-warps out of the room. After a second he is back, carrying a little chocolate cake. It looks all messed up and barely holds together.
"Here you go lil' Crawlie, thought I couldn't bake, eh?"
Proudly he offers me the plate, and the cake collapses. I try to hold my breath, but when he starts to giggle, I burst out laughing as well. Peter drops the plate on my lap and takes one of the bigger crumbles.
"Well... I guess you were right about my baking skills. Just try to eat this, I'll be back when I had my talk with Beast."
I raise an eyebrow.
"Why do you talk to Beast at nighttime?"
My voice is a little hoarse from the water and the laughing.
"Let's just say he was... Making fun of the fact that we both were very tired this morning. Now I go, scary him out of his sweet pink pyjamas and tell him that I at least got somebody to make out with."
"You're completely crazy."
He smiles as he turns around.
"Sexy voice, Crawlie."
My eyes fall shut seconds after he has left.

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