Kurt III

219 9 3

Today is pretty much hell. I mean, the first hour or so of the day together with Peter were great of course, and waking up next to him is a feeling for me I can't even describe, but. But waking up next to somebody does not change the fact that you have ten minutes before lessons start again, and it surely does not help that this particular person does not need more than a few seconds to get prepared and even get breakfast. Of coarse, he brought me some as well, but I wasn't ready able to eat anything. Then he dropped the bomb by telling me that Phoenix arrived yesterday and now I feel like a complete piece of garbage for not even welcoming her. Now I sit here in my Elementary Physics class again, know exactly that Beast knows what's going on, see his littles smiles now and then. I sit here and can physically feel how the girl sitting behind me is staring at me. She is quite nice, and eventhough I don't know her as well (I can't even remember her name right now, goshdammit) I still managed to learn together with her for the test last week. When we were studying, she asked me out for a pizza date, and I said maybe, but not no, since I "haven't got much time at the moment". I'm such a terrible liar. Still, she believed it and let it be for two weeks. Today, however, she asked me again and I was so tired that I just looked at her and nodded. Of course, she asked me when, where, what, but I was too groggy to speak. So I just sat down, luckily exactly in the second Beast decided to start the lesson. I haven't even talked about her with Peter. I'm so terrible sometimes.
All this thoughts rush through my head only a few seconds, but repeating over and over. My complete mind is blocked by one thought. When lesson is over, I slowly walk towards Beast who looks up from his bags.
"Hey Beast."
"Hey. Was your night?"
"Let's say so havent heard or seen anything of my slow little relationship."
He nods and smiles.
"I ask you this just from the physical, theoretical side. But:"

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