Chapter 1: getting to know our two teens (le prologue)

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Caroline, that's me, a 16-year-old girl who you'd think would have some type of loving and heart warming story, but I don't. I'm just a girl. I'm also not good with people. I don't have much to say but I do have one thing, and that's Max. She was my friend since freshman year. Being the one who saved me from the outbursts of high school and other teenagers. She's been my life since we were just 14.

I remember the day we first met like it was yesterday. I was getting ready for my first class of high school. I was placed in Sophomore Math, since it's my best subject. Between the huge, unpredictable hallways with new faces I've never seen, I tried getting to my first period. Now, you might be thinking, "did you fall and she came to help with your papers?" No, we didn't meet with bullshit cliche scenes. We met in the weirdest of ways. I had tried getting to my locker when it wouldn't budge. "Wrong locker, dude," she said as she leaned on one of the other lockers. I didn't notice her, and I jumped from the sight of someone so tall compared to me. "Is this your locker?," I had asked trying not to stutter. Again, I wasn't best with new people. "Sure is, if you don't mind, I have AP English to attend and my books are in that locker," She said firmly. I moved away and found out my locker left of hers. I opened it and got to my class. All I could think about was that girl, her short dark brown hair, tall physique, and tough attitude. It got me thinking more about her. As I finished my class, I headed for my locker, hoping to see Max again. I went to my locker, opened it, leaving my books inside. Just as I closed my locker, there she was. I quickly averted my eyes from her and anxiously looked down, nervously, my eyes staring at my schedule. I had Science next. "Science, huh? Isn't that funny, I have science next as well. Care to join me?," Max said as she leaned towards me, reading off my schedule.

"Um, okay, your name is..?" I said, attempting to stammer my words.

"The name's Maxwell James, but you can just call me Max," she said, bowing her head comically . I grinned.

"Caroline Asher," I said, bowing back with a small smile.

And that, was where our story began...

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