Chapter 4: Locker note

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Caroline's perspective

I had gotten everything I needed, and left to catch the bus and took my usual seat. In which I sat in by myself this morning. I didn't think about it much so I just read one of my favorite classics, "To Kill a Mockingbird," by Casper Lee. I could read it all day. As the bus came to a stop, Max had gotten in along with other students. I could recognize all of them. Daisy, the shy girl who can't seem to hold a conversation. As we got off the bus, Max went straight to her class instead of going to her locker. As concerned as I was, I left a small note in her locker so I could her give her space as well.

(Max's pov) May 15th 2:45 pm

I didn't want to worry Caroline but the best idea my brain had at the time was just leave as soon as possible before Caroline got the truth out of me. I headed to my second period class and went to locker quickly before Caroline headed as well. I put my books inside and left my jacket as well. I saw a tiny sticky note fall from the locker. I picked it up as I also grabbed my other books. I looked up to see if anyone left the note here. And as I turned around, I saw Caroline talking to a teacher and headed my direction. Luckily I turned around and left to my class before she noticed me there. I was inside AP history class. I sat down, put my books under the seat and grabbed my supplies. I was earlier than I usually was to classes. Which gave me enough time to read the mysterious note. It read,"I hope you feel better, I don't like seeing you so gloomy, meet me at Peter Piper's Pizza at 7pm, much love and concern - Caroline" I smiled at the thought of Caroline's concern, but then stopped smiling at the thought of having to tell her everything I had to get off my chest that wanted to since yesterday.

Caroline's perspective: May 15th 6;18 pm

I had gotten everything packed as it was the last period of the day, and when I went to the bus stop Max wasn't there to talk to as the sun was just lowering. It was currently 6 pm and I finally gotten home and dressed to leave and see if Max was going to really be at the pizza place. "Mom I'm going to Peter Piper's Pizza with Max I'll be back in a few hours, call me if you need anything!"

"Sure, be safe!" said mom. And as I got my bags, I left to catch the bus.

I saw Max there surprisingly, she had a black sleeveless flannel she ripped herself and jeans along with The Beatles shirt I gave her for her 14th birthday. I myself had threw on one of my best clothings, I always wanted to look good for her whether or not she knew I Liked her. I had a knee length black skirt, and a Nirvana shirt to go along with it. (Hey, we both have different definitions of looking good). We glanced at each other and smiled. Well, I smiled, she grinned. I sat down next to her, put my bag down, and the waiter came to get our orders. "Can I get you two anything?" she said. "Uh, yes can we get a cheese pizza and two sodas any flavor would be great," said Max giving her the two menus. As the waiter had left, Max looked back at me. "...So, what's this meetup for?" I said looking concerned. "I wanted to talk to you about something important," she said not giving eye contact as the pizza finally arrived and we both took a piece on our plates, the grease staining all around the plate.

"That is?" I said taking a bite out of the pizza slice.

"Are you...homosexual?

I had suddenly stopped chewing. If I did I wouldn't be able to get it down my throat for the lump already there. Y'know when feel a lump in your throat and you're about to cry and your nose feels tingly and your eyes get blurry from the salty tears. I forcely smiled. "What?"

"Caroline, are you into girls?"

"Um, yeah. But what does that have to do with anything?" Still having the piece of pizza in the side of my cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She sounded infuriated.

"I didn't think it was a big deal. Why are you the one getting mad at me?"

"Because I'm your best friend Caroline! Best friends tell each other secrets!"

"Well, it's not much of a secret! You out of all people should know, they invade my lockers every day! Your locker it next to mine, how have you not seen this yet?!" I was so angry at her, completely ignorant of all this has happened to me.

"I was always with you, I haven't seen utter bullshit, Carol" Max murmured

I was at that point of anger where you just get so mad your statements barely make sense and you're just yelling.

I slammed my hands on the table and got up to her face. "MAXWELL JAMES OUT OF ALL THIS TIME TOGETHER YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN THEM TORTURE ME?" I saw all the people look at me while I yelled. I hated being looked at, I hated all the eyes detecting me like some sort of scanner, all of them getting a judgment on who I am within a fit of rage. I fell back into the red leather booth. I started crying. Max looked up from her gloom.

"Carol, i-, I'm sorry for being so blank about this," she said coming to comfort me.

"They put horrible notes in my locker, they spit on me, they put glue on my seats during class, they throw spitballs, they push me, they threaten me, Max , it's scary," I said looking down letting my long hair covering me. My glasses getting wet from my crying. Max came and took them off me. I couldn't see anything but slightly blurry Max.

Max's perspective May 18 7;19 pm

I took off her glasses to clean the wet tears that were sliding off her cheeks. And at that moment the world seemed to stop spinning. It felt like the first day I met her. I looked directly into her eyes that were vulnerable again. Hazel gentle eyes full of emotional tears. Just like the beautiful sun covered up by the raining clouds. I wiped her face of tears. I brushed her bangs back and what I felt was something I never did around other people. I guess that's why she's my best friend. I put her glasses back on slowly accepting to see the mysterious light brown eyes yet again.

"I-I'm sorry," I said feeling guilty for causing so much pain on the closest person I have. She sniffed and put her bangs in her original place. "Can we talk about this at the park where there aren't as much people please?" She said putting her bag on her shoulder.

"Sure let me get this pizza to go," I said, and as we soon got our box, we headed to the bus and went to the park. 

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