Chapter 10: Speed dial

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May 25 5;00pm

I was getting ready for the party, I had on black jeans and ripped sleeveless shirt of the Backstreet Boys with a plaid red shirt around my waist. I walked to her place so I could see everyone there.

Once I got there, tons of people were there, even some freshman came. Mindy was outside the huge front lawn greeting guests, she had on a pink fluffy dress where Zac was wearing a matching pink shirt. I went in and was greeted by beer. Ah, yes illegal drinking. Wonderful isn't it? People were on two floors on this semi-mansion. I'm not surprised, her father owns a powerful engineering company. Everyone had the cliche red cups. I decided to hang out with some dudes and have a couple of drinks.

Caroline's perspective:May 25 6;14

It took me hours to actually decide to go to Mindy's party. I was hoping I'd meet new people. So I wore my black knee length skirt and blue pastel shirt with a pink ice cream in the middle. Once I got there a bunch of people had illegal drinks in their hands and loud music while dancing and talking and some on their phones. I didn't get any beer, but I decided to sit on their marble bar counter in the middle of their kitchen. As I pulled my phone out and checked Instagram, a drunk senior came up to me. "HEY, baby...t," he said. Before I was able to process what he said, he threw up under my feet. He was then grabbed by his friends and brought to the nearest bathroom. I was there on my phone for about 34 minutes and they started playing, "Right Now" remix by Rihanna. Everyone put their cups down and started to dance. They even started singing some of the lyrics. Everyone was dancing together and singing and drinking having a good time. I stayed and looked.

Mindy came to me and grabbed me to dance, she isn't those popular girls who are jerks. I refused for a while and I finally decided to go. Everyone was dancing and jumping back and forth to the beat. Some were even grinding on each other as if it was the club, which it kinda has that vibe. It was dark with lights on flashing and twirling and spinning. I danced with Mindy and some of her friends I knew which are small friends of mine. We danced for about a half hour to about 7 songs each of them being party remixes. We were all tired and decided to drink beer, I refused from anyone who gave me some. I saw Max with a group of friends she knew in other classes, I decided not to go. Someone from outside came running inside, panicked. All he did was yell, COPS! And everyone hid their illegal substances while I stayed put and put in a headphone. I was listening to,"

But I guess it was more than just the cops because more than 4 cop cars came to the front yard. An officer came in and put her sunglasses on her head. She walked to Mindy and started talking,"You Mindy Nguyen?" She asked.

"Yes officer," Mindy said easily hiding her drowsiness from over 5 beers.

"I heard complaining from nearby neighbors, you hosting a party?"

"Actually yes, I wa-"

"Didn't ask for an explanation"

"I want to inform you to be fully aware and be in total lockdown because a mysterious figure was seen not so far from this neighborhood"

"Okay, thank you officer," and with that, she left.

I heard distant muttering,"Dude a murderer here? Fuck that shit dude I'm fucking leaving," and heard related reactions. And over half here guests had slowly been leaving.

"Wait don't leave! We still have a night to fuck up! I still have a shit ton of beers I need to get rid of!," yelled Mindy, but it was no use since beer wasn't going to override that there was someone dangerous in the area. So Mindy understood and dealt with the people she had left. Which were desperate freshman, drunk seniors, and her close friends and classmates. She decided to just double lock the front door. Everyone else probably had 911 on speed dial. \

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