Chapter 2; Art class, Mindy, and the anchorwoman

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[Caroline pov]

I had just gotten out of AP history class and I run to get my books before they come back and intrude my locker like they did before. I wasn't going to fool myself twice from the same trick. I rushed to my locker as fast as my small legs could get me there. But I was too late, my locker had already been vandalized. I sighed, as I stopped running. Max was walking towards me. I opened my locker and found a bunch of notes. I didn't even bother to read them, knowing the fact they all held the same meaning. I crumpled them up and threw them away. I didn't want to to deal with this, since today was supposed to be a good day, where Max and I were going to attend our first club activities together. We picked art, since we both seem to have an interest in it. (And Max likes drawing immaturely and saying it's "art") I had gotten all my supplies and went to art class. Once I got there, I saw Max leaning in her chair talking to two boys behind her. She's laughing loudly, as her hands rested behind her head, as in a cool stance. She always exerted confidence, something I had always yearned for. I sat next to her and took out my sketchbook, just as she did.

"Ready to dominate this class?" she exclaimed, pulling out a pencil.

"I guess, just don't do anything stupid, got it? Don't do what you did in History class last year." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"C'mon! Mrs. Walden should have seen that paper airplane coming! It's not my fault her reflexes go slower than she does," Max said leaning on her chair again. She smiled back and the art class has begun. We had learned about symmetry and the primary colors of the color wheel. Pretty much the introduction and basics of Art 101. Once class finished, Max and I were planning on going to my place and hang out as we finish homework.

"Art was...nice, wasn't it?," I asked as we left to get to the bus in time. "It was great! Those two dudes were hella cool, you should meet them." She asked as we sat down for the bus.

"I don't know Max, I don't talk to people a lot, I get nervous," I said looking down at the cracks of the pavement. She grabbed my hands and look straight into my eyes, through my glasses. It looked like her stares could look right into my soul and what my dark eyes were able to easily hide. "Look, you can do this, if you ever feel nervous, just lean or hide behind me. I just want to help you conquer your fears and meet other people. Y'know, to have fun. I mean like-." I squeezed her hands that were holding mine.

"I guess, Max, as long as you're there with me I can do anything." I nodded and smiled. Max, sighed out of relief, and smiled back at me widely.

"Now let's go rock this bitch!"

We got to my place and went upstairs. "I'm home mom!" I yelled. People say that me and my mom had the same characteristics. Except that she wasn't much taller than me and she had wavy, dark brown hair that went to her forearms. "You're home later than usual," she says questioningly, as she peeped her head out from the kitchen.

"Well, we joined an art club, cool right?" I replied, glancing at Max as she was looking out the window.

"Honey that's great! What kind of Art are you into?"

"For me, I'm into Multimedia and as for Max, she usually prefers photography."

"Well, if you ever need help with that, I'm here. Also, there're leftovers inside the fridge, or you can whip up something to eat with Max. Just make sure you clean up. I'll be outside with Bryan," she says as she goes outside with my little brother. He is so unlike me. He was more like my father, tall, blonde, but dark brown eyes. I opened the fridge and grabbed the contained meatloaf. I put it in the microwave to heat up. "How was your day, loser?" I asked, smirking at Max who was sitting on the marble counter.

"God fuck you have no idea, Some dude kept asking me for my phone number, he wasn't even cute. Then during English, our teacher was being a total bummer and said we couldn't lean on our chairs. So today was basically a bust. How about you, Mrs. Smartass?"

"We had a test and I was the only one who aced it. Also when I got to my locker I overheard these two seniors talking about Mindy's annual spring party." Max got off from the counter and looked at me shocked. I turned to her, "What's up Max?," I asked.

"Dude, that party is like legendary! Hella people go to that party and come out entirely new. Isn't Mindy in your Math class?," She asked.

"Yeah, so? We're pretty close I guess. We're just study buddies. But I don't think she sees me as that," I said taking the meatloaf out of the microwave.

"You HAVE to ask her if we can go to her party. It's been my goal since I've even heard of her parties!" Max said excitedly with sparkling eyes, as she grabbed my shoulders. Thrown aback, I replied, "Um, I guess I could ask when we're in class, but I don't think we'll be able get in."

"Whatever, but you'll ask her right?," she said smiling widely, "Don't give up that easily!"

"I could try...maybe." I said.

"Hell yes! Caroline, you're the fucking best!," She said, embracing me and spinning me around. I was totally shocked, seeing how she was in so much glee and happiness.

"Alright, now stop, please, I...can't....breathe.... before I puke." I squeaked.

"Oh shit sorry about that," replied Max.

"And plus, we haven't even eaten yet," I said. "Grab two forks, we're taking the whole pot so we don't waste plates." I said as I went upstairs to my room. I walked in. It's the same as always, a pretty casual bunk bed, scattered of ruffled sheets and flattened pillows, a small TV, with stacks of DVDS and books on top, the closet and grey transparent curtains on the window. Of course there's other details, but if I were talk about them all this wouldn't be a chapter, it'd be a book wouldn't it? I laid down the pot on a foldable table. Max went to the kitchen and brought up both of us forks, as she promised, and jumped on my bed.

"Here's our forks, dork," Max smiled. "Hey that rhymes! Anyway, hope you don't mind me stealing two of these drinks from your fridge."

"No problem" I replied, as we both open our drinks, to the popping sound and fizzing.

"So, what's on the news?," Max asked curiously, sipping from her can.

"Who knows?" I grabbed the remote control and switched to the news channel. The female anchor started speaking, "And now with today's top news, around 2 p.m. a young girl has went missing at a nearby high school. Sources say that she was in her third year of high school when she had gone missing. Investigators, not so long ago, found a mysterious figure caught on school grounds, by the cameras in the school perimeter. Now..." The lady continued to speak, as me and Max both looked at each other and thought the same thing: "Could this be our school?" And when you think about it, when great minds think alike, the thought seems to magically become real. The news reporter had stated it was from our school and they had caught them.

"You know I'd spit my drink right now if it wasn't for your room having carpet," Said Max humorously. We had sighed and continued eating our meatloaf until it was ten. "Did you finish homework?," I asked Max, as she yawned.

"Yeah, you need them Ms. Mom?," she asked smirking.

"Nah, just checking in." I said.

"Shit! Look at the time, I better get home before my mom gets mad," she says and grabs her things.

"see you tomorrow Max!" I say and get up to escort her. She turns around and hugs me as we're out the door.

"Love ya Carol! I'll see you tomorrow," she says and she runs with all her stuff before the bus leaves. After getting my juice, I head upstairs. I grabbed the dishes, walked downstairs and placed them into the sink. (Oh well, I'll just wash em tomorrow.) I head back up to my room, closed my door, turned off my lights, fall onto my bed and closed my eyes.

" I love you too, Max..." 

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