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*skipping it to be Monday and Cassy is waking up

As I wake up I realize that this is not- no,no,no. I moved😕. But the best part is that I am close to Max and Harvey . And to the first morning being in England.

What my mom had told me last night was that my school is a private school and I have t wear a uniform 😕. I am actually a lite not into to wearing a uniform, but I makes my life easier so I don't have to worry about picking my out fit every day. It all depend on the uniform. If it's navy blue shirt with cacky pants , no I OUT!

After I do my route I get my uniform from a bag that's in the kitchen cause not all of my uniform out fits came in yet. Just a few of them. As I look at it I am actually not minding it . (At the top) (the girls can wear a black jacket too and the right is what the boys wear to school). (Also same with the boys. They can also wear a white jacket instead of black). This can actually look cute with my socks to up to my knees. And my Loki bracelets😱. Perfect!

After I get dressed I go down stairs and grab a fruit and water bottle and.. I have to wait for my Liam. My mom wanted to get pics of us before we leave. I am decent of doing this cause this is the first time her children are going to a new school Ina different country so , I can understand.

After pics I start to walk to the bus, but then my mom stops me.

"For school I have to drive you guys to school and you don't take the bus anymore "
"YESS" Liam and I say at the same

After mom dropped us off we both went to the office. Everyone looked so formal. I did too so that made sense. My hair was in a French braid and I did have some make up on. Like mascara and that's it while other girls went full on out! Wow. As we went to the office we got our schedules we each have a person to show us around. LIAMS person was already here, so I quickly said bye and good luck to Liam and  I just waited for my helping person to come.

I see these two girls walking toward the office bickering about something?

Mia's p.o.v

As I was in class just doing this fun Spanish test! Yippe. 😑 Why do I have to even do this anyway. I won't need it in life. If I work some wear and they can't understand English but speak Spanish... Umm hello! Google translate! Duh🙄. 😂. But anyway I while I am doing this Spanish test I get bored of complaining so I try to talk to Ella so we can complain together 😂

"Pst! Ella !" I secretly whisper so no one can hear me but her
She looks up her paper looking relieved that I called her name.
"What do ya thing?"
She rolls her eyes in anoying way then says
"This is a thriller!" In her sarcastic voice
We both secretly laugh

We focus back on our test to get a decent grade. I'm aiming for at least a 75% or around a 80% I actually studied a little , by studying I mean skimming , and I have to keep my average how it is right now a 83%. Anyway while I try to finish this test I hear the phone ring and hoping that I get pulled out of class. (I do this ALL the time I hear the phone ring in school 😂or when it's the loud speaker) after our teacher ,ms.poella(idk I just made it up!), (the would be AWSOME for a last name too!) is done she calls both Ella and I.

"I need you both to go down to the office. We have a new student and I need you two to show her around, and let her be with you until she feels comfortable and does her own thing. Got it? Ok . Good bye!" She said that last part very quickly but after we start to leave we both get out and then we do a no so silent

I actually wonder what this new girl is like. I just really hope she's nice and not one of those stuck up people. I absolutely don't like those kind of people.

As we are walking to the office I wonder who want to introduce one of us first. You know what I'll go fist.

"Hey Ella, do you want me to start the conversation first?"

"No I would"
"Ok. What should we say?"
"Umm how about..

Back to Cassy p.o.v

As the people get closer they go up to the desk. Say some stuff and then they come towards me. Ohh I think that they are my guides. They seem friendly.

"Hi we- mm no um wait-yea what's your name. Well wait- first my name is Ella and her name is Mia!"

"Hi Mia and Ellla! My name is Cassandra but call me Cassy"

"Sure and we are our guides to show you around and stuff. So let's get to it!" This is what Mia says. I actually love her lilac dip brown hair. While I have this brown hair😑but I still love my hair cause it has blond highlights but still😑. They both seem really nice and funny.

They show me around and start asking questions like how old are you and stuff like that.

"So your from America right?" Ella said. I think she can tell though
"Yea! It's really nice there. You can tell with the accent right?"
"Yea😂" they both say at the same time and we have our little laughs

"So what things do you guys like?" I ask and then they both look at each other. They hold up the finger (NOT THAT FINGER😂) index finger and they both have a little huddle?

So they come out and they count



"MAX AND HARVEY!" But they say it a little louder than normal but then they quickly cover there mouths. WAIIITTT they said Max and Harvey. 😆. Now I start freaking out
They look at me with worry cause am having my fan girl attack which looks like I am having a athsma attack!

"No sorry guys it just.... I LOVE MAX AND HARVEY TOO!" We all have our fan girl moment and then they quiz me on how well I know Max and Harvey and of course I pass😜. They say I pass and I now know that at that moment we are going to be best friends.

A/N ~ hiya! So Mia_Rosey and eElla'sfical15  how did you like your characters. If you have anything you want to add or change to them then you can just comment or dm me😋. Hope you / everyone enjoyed this and that's it for now!


1183 words😂😅

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