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Please read a/n 🙃

*Cassy's dream*

I wake up to WHHAATT?! I am not in Harvey's and Max's basement and I'm on a fluffy cloud and right across from me is... ONE DIRECTION!!! I quickly get up and run to them hugging each one of them and they hug back but a different way. When I hugged Louis it felt like I was crushing his bones and he was about to puke. And the hug felt warm too😅😊. When I hugged Liam it felt like a normal hug and including Zayn . But when I got to Harry we just would no let go! 😂 he kept spinning me around and he sat me down cause I wanted the me to hug Niall. He finally let me go but I could not see Niall and they said that he was working and he will be right back. After a break then the next thing I saw/ remembered was me walking and then I saw Niall so I said

"NIALL!" He turned while eating a sandwich (to remind you they looked like there fetus days ) and then I tried running to him but I tripped and fell on a burrito? I never had a burrito? I don't know and then he helped me up and we both hugged.

The hug lasted about a few seconds then I start feeling something warm on me. I look at Niall but he wasn't still hugging me. I try to say something but then everything disappeared and that is when I realized that I wook up and I was sleeping 😑. (Tbh I actually had this exact dream I had once)

*cassy is a wake*

I see my self on Max and Harvey's couch. The usual Bianca is on the floor, Max is sleeping like a angel while Harvey is upside down on the couch. While I find my self literally looked like I was thrown on the couch and my hair looking like a mess bun hairball.

I check my phone to see that it's 1?! We have been sleeping the hole day! Luckily I just saw a text from my mom saying..

Hey hunny! I bet you stayed up late! I called Bianca's mom and she said that Bianca can hang out w/ you for awhile until her mom gets her at our house. Make sure you come back home ATLEAST around 5. Love you!xx

😰 I thought she might of yelled through text a little or something. Good thing she took that well. I texted her back with

Yea just wook up!😂. I will make sure I'm home at least round 5. Love you too!x

And then I  go on Instagram and snapchat until everyone wakes up

*20 minutes later*

STILL?!? No one is awake yet so I get really bored and go upstairs to greet their parents. I open the basement door and see their parents sitting down at the table just on their phones. I walk up to them and greet them with

"Good morning mr and Mrs. Mills!"

They jump a little and turn to see me and they smile and say

"Good morning Cassy!"

"What would you guys like for breakfast, well... Lunch!" Mrs.mills says

"Ha, well not everyone is awake yet but...."

"Here" mr. Mills says and he walks up to the fridge to grab wipping cream and over to the desk area for a marker and glitter and hand the items to me.

"You know me to much already! Thank you! " I say

"No problem! Just make sure you clean up the mess please!" Mr. Mills says

"Ok!" And I quietly go down stairs to see Max is up. Perfect he can help me.

I walk up to him and wisper

"Morning "

"Morning " he responds

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