The kiss

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:33 Nepeta's Pov

Ch 1) BANG! BANG! BANG! I jump as someone bangs on the door. ":33 meow who could pawsibly be?" I mutter outloud and get up from my shipping to answer it. "OPEN UP THE FUCKIN DOOR NEPETA!" ":33 oh it's karkitty" I exclaim and hurry to open it " ;33 hi karkitty!" I say as I open the door smiling furom ear to ear  "OK WHOES SMARTASS IDEA WAS IT TO DARE GAMZEE TO EAT 10 FUCKIN SLIME PIES AT ONE TIME?" my smile fades a bit "/:33 what do you mean?" "SOMEONE FUCKIN DARED HIM TO AND HE DID IT AND NOW HE'S HULLOCINATING, MUTTERING, AND HAS A GIANT STOMACHE ACHE!" he pauses to take a breath "AND HE TOLD ME YOU, VRISKA, EQUIUS, AND JOHN WERE THERE WHEN HE DID IT NOW WHO WAS IT!" I notice his face is as red as a tomato ":33 oh that? Hehe yeah it was kinda funny for awhile until he wouldn't stop muttering but yeah it was vwriskers!" " you mean vriska?" ":33 yeah oh and I'm going over to pawzees in a second to give him some calming tea." "WAIT WHAT? WHY?!" ==[oh and if you don't read homestuck he isn't really yelling all the time I'm just useing the characters typing quirks]== " :33 to calm him down of course duh"  "HE DOESN'T NEED THAT SHIT!" ":33< yes he does you'll see" eeeeeEeeEeEEEEEEEEEEEE "WTF WAS THAT!!" ":33 oh the tea is done" I run to the kitchen and pour the the hot water into a water bottle then add some mint tea leaves into it and close the cap shakeing it slightly ":33 *ac pounces on karkat* I'm ready to go karkitty *she says*" karkat grumbles "FINE FUCKASS YOU CAN COME" when I get to gamzees house I notice two of his windows are broken "FUCK I HOPE HE DIDN'T HURT HIMSELF" I hear karkat mutter and hope so yourself. As I enter the house I see overturned slime pies and half spilled faygo bottles litering the floor. HOOOOOOOONNNK "eek" I scare myself as I accidentally step on one of gamzees horns. Well that was going to happen eventually because they are everywhere "GOG THIS PLACE IS A MESS" " :33< well its pawzees home after all" I look around ":33 speaking of gamzee where is he?" " HeY MoThErFuCkErS HoW aBoUt We SlAm A FaY- AugRr" he groans as another stomache ache kicks in "/:33< here pawzee drink this it will make feel better" I hand him the bottle with tea in it ">:33< and drink efury last drop" he takes it and drinks flopping down on the couch afterward " tHaNks My FuRrY FrIeNd" he says " BuT cOmE HeRe I NeEd To teLl YoU SoMeThInG" I come closer and lean down thinking he was going to whisper something to me but instead he leans in fast, kisses me on the lips and pulls away "ThErE YoU Go NePsIs nOw iVe ThAnKeD YoU EnOf- HeY WhErE YoU GoInG?" blushing madly I run out of gamzees house and towards my cave leaving a surprised karkat and a confused gamzee behind. ==[this is my first ship hope you liked it]==

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