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:<< Nepeta's pov

I stared, fur a very long time, at the screen. So long that my lusus started to figdet in worry. She meowed worriedly and thats when i blicked and looked away furom the screen. What was I looking at? The last thing Pawzee sent me before he uhhh threw his computer out the window? How is this pawsible? How could he be red fur me? I gave up on love when I confessed to Karkitty and he turned away. Now Pawzee is telling me he's red fur me? What is going on? Is it a joke? I furowned, if its a joke i swear i'll kill him. I don't like when people play with me like that... I got up furastrated that i couldn't figure it out. I looked over at my shipping wall I need to finish that drawing i think to myself as i make my way over to the wall picking up some chalk on the way.

):B Karkat's pov

Me and Gamzee hug for a bit before i pull away. He looks at the sea and then at me "HeY ThAnKs FoR sAvInG mY aSs BaCk ThErE" he shivers.

" YEAH WELL I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE HIM FULL OUT MOLEST YOU SO..." I sigh scratching the back of my neck. I came for a reason.

"GAMZEE LOOK...I NEEDED TO UH TELL YOU SOMETHING..." I look up at him he looks down and smiles his prized smile that i like so much.

"SuRe BrO" he says as we start to make our way back to his hive "WhAt Is It?"



"I HAVE UH RED FEELINGS FOR YOU" i say again more slowly "BUT IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY YOU CAN BE WITH NEPETA" I wait for his response. He looks out toward the sea and a sad look covers his face making him look very wise.

"Karbro look I understand how you feel, I've been there before.." a pained look flashes in his eyes for a second "but I don't feel that way for you and I'm sorry, but I hope you can find another troll (or human) that can make you happier than i could ever make you" he looks down at me and wipes away my tears, i didn't know i was crying "but i will always be happy to be your moirail." he smiles and hugs me. I hug him back crying into his shoulder.

"I-I...t-thought that w-wo...w-would be y-your anwser.."

(Short chapter sorry)

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