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Nepetas Pov :33

I came back from my walk through the woods feeling very calm "wow, that was refreshing!" the feeling soon leaves when I notice gamzee was pestering me "oh no" sighing I get on.

terminallyCapricious [TC] Began trolling arsenicCatnip [AC]:
TC: hEy SiS YoU ThErE?
TC: HeLlO?
TC: I GuEsS iLl TaLk To YoU lAtEr ThEn :o(
terminallyCapricious [TC] Ceased trolling arsenicCatnip [AC]
arsenicCatnip [AC] Began trolling terminallyCapricious [TC]:
AC: :33< Wait!!!
AC: :33< pawzee answer me!!
AC: :33< please?
TC: oH YoU aNsWeReD mE :o) So WhAtS Up?
AC: pestered me first though....
TC: .....Oh RiGhT.....Um.....
TC: YoU sEe........WeLl HoW dO I pUt ThiS...
AC: :33 pawzee stop stalling and tell me!
TC: I Might bE............................
AC: /:33? Hello?
TC: ........ReD fOr YoU.....
terminallyCapricious [TC] threw his computer out the window
AC: ........

Gamzee x NepetaWhere stories live. Discover now